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155 bytes added, 13:08, 3 April 2012
SW: addition of purpose language
< [[SourceWatch:About|About SourceWatch]]
<big>'''The [ '''Center for Media and Democracy'''] (CMD) publishes [[SourceWatch:Purpose|'''SourceWatch''']]</big>, this collaborative, specialized encyclopedia of the people, organizations, and issues shaping the public agenda.''' SourceWatch profiles the activities of [[front groups]], [[public relations professionals|PR spinners]], [[industry-friendly experts]], [[industry-funded organizations]], and [[think tanks]] trying to manipulate public opinion on behalf of [[corporations]] or government. We also highlight key public policies they are trying to affect and provide ways to get involved. In addition, SourceWatch contains information about others who help document information about PR spin, such as reporters, academics, and watchdog groups.
To get started, there's a link to your left on the basics of how you can help write history. We also have guides, such as [[How to research front groups|how to research front groups]] and uncover [[Resources for studying propaganda|propaganda]] tactics, such as the use of the "[[third party technique]]," as well as [[Research using the web|great insider tips for web researching]].


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