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779 bytes added, 16:14, 13 February 2010
SW: add from old front page
< [[SourceWatch:About|About SourceWatch]]
<big>'''SourceWatch is published by the non-profit, non-partisan >The [ '''Center for Media and Democracy'''] (CMD) publishes [[SourceWatch:Purpose|'''SourceWatch''']].</big> It is a free , this collaborative, specialized encyclopedia about of the people, issuesorganizations, and groups issues shaping the public agenda.'''SourceWatch profiles the activities of [[front groups]], including activist groups and government agencies but especially [[public relations firmsprofessionals|PR spinners]], [[front groupsindustry-friendly experts]], [[industry-friendly expertsfunded organizations]] , and [[think tanks]] that try trying to manipulate public opinionon behalf of [[corporations]] or government. We also highlight key public policies they are trying to affect and provide ways to get involved. To get started, there's a link to your left on the basics of how you can help write history. We also have guides, such as [[How to research front groups|how to research front groups]] and uncover [[Resources for studying propaganda|propaganda]] tactics such as the use of the "[[third party technique]]," as well as [[Research using the web|great insider tips for web researching]].  Launched in 2003, SourceWatch now has <b>{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles</b>, as of today, thanks to interested contributors like you, and over five million visitors to its pages a year. Welcome to the '''SourceWatch''' community! [[User:Lisa Graves|Lisa Graves]], Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy, publisher of SourceWatch, PRWatch, and BanksterUSA
==What is SourceWatch's role in increasing transparency and public scrutiny?==

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