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Seward Power Plant

138 bytes added, 21:51, 17 November 2009
SW: included googlemap location & co-ordinates
{{#badges: CoalSwarm}}
The '''Seward Power Plant''' burns waste coal. It replaced a plant by the same name that was built in 1921. The plant began operating in October 2004.<ref>[ Opening of New Power Plant Gives Reliant an Energy Boost], ''Houston Business Journal'', October 8, 2004.</ref>
<googlemap version="0.9.4" zoom="16" lat="40.407" lon="-79.034"
==Project Details==
'''Sponsor:''' Reliant Energy<br>
'''Location:''' Indiana County, PA<br>
*'''GPS Coordinates''': 40.407, -79.034"
'''Capacity:''' 520 MW<br>
'''Type:''' Circulating fluidized bed<br>

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