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Professor Sharon Hom is currently the Executive Director of Human Rights in China. Pdf. She is also on the Human Rights Watch Asia Advisory Committee.

"Sharon Hom is professor of law at CUNY Law School where she teaches contracts, international human rights, feminist jurisprudence, and in the Immigration and Refugee Rights Clinic. She received her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and her J.D. from New York University of School of Law where she was also a Root-Tilden Scholar. Prior to joining the CUNY faculty, she worked at the Vera Institute of Justice, and was a Revson Fellow at the Greenberg Center for Legal Education and Urban Policy. From 1986-88, she was a Fulbright Scholar in residence at the China University of Politics and Law in Beijing. Professor Hom has taught in and directed law training programs in China for the past ten years and served on the Committee for Legal Education Exchange with China (1988-1998). In addition to legal exchange work, she has been involved with Chinese women's training programs and was co-chair of the Society for Chinese Women's Studies in the U.S. (1993-95). She sits on the Human Rights Watch/Asia Advisory board (1993- present), the Asian Affairs Committee of the NYC Bar Association, and the executive committee of Human Rights in China (1996-present). She also served as a judge for the Global Tribunal on Violence Against Women convened for the Fourth World Conference on Women and the NGO Forum 95. Her book publications include a co-authored interdisciplinary textbook and workbook, Contracting Law (1996), a co-edited Chinese-English Lexicon on Women and the Law (Yinghan funu yu falu cihuishiyi) published by UNESCO (1995), and an interdisciplinary edited volume, Chinese Women Traversing Diaspora: Memoirs, Essays, and Poetry (1998)." [1]

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