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Richard G. Darman (Richard Gordon Darman) is a Partner and Senior Advisor of the Carlyle Group since 1993, a D.C.-based private equity and global investment firm. [1]

Darman is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Trilateral Commission.[2]

Darman is Public Service Professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He returned to the School in January 1998, having been a Lecturer in Public Policy and Management from 1977-80.[3]

He served in public service as the Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget from (1989-1993) and in senior policy positions in the White House and six cabinet departments, including: Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury (1985-1987); Assistant to the President (1981-1985); Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Gerald R. Ford Administration; and policy positions during the Richard M. Nixon administration at the Departments of Justice, Defense, and Health, Education and Welfare. [4][5]

Darman has been a managing director of Shearson, Lehman Brothers (1987-1989) and Principal and Director of ICF, Inc. (1974-75, 1977-80), as well as a director of several public and private corporations. He is a trustee of the Council for Excellence in Government, a trustee of The New England Funds, a member of the Harvard Committee on University Resources and the Harvard Fund Council, a member of the Board of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School, and a trustee of CDC Nvest Funds. [6][7][8]

Darman is a graduate of Harvard College (1964; Ed 1979) and Harvard Business School (MBA 1967). He is a former Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and recipient of honorary degrees in Law, Sciences, and Business Administration.[9]

Darman is quoted as saying that "Corpocracy [is] large-scale corporate America's tendency to be like the government bureaucracy." He is the author of WHO'S IN CONTROL? Polar Politics and the Sensible Center (Simon & Schuster, 1996).[10]

Richard Darman, who served as the high-profile Budget Director in the George Herbert Walker Bush administration, has surfaced again in connection with Jeb Bush, the current Governor of Florida.

According to Robert Trigaux, in the April 19, 2004, edition of the St. Petersburg Times, Darman, now chairman of the "$8.5-billion revenue corporation" AES Corp., a "northern Virginia power company" with "longstanding ties to the Bush White House and [Florida]'s public pension fund last week received swift approval by Gov. Jeb Bush and the state Cabinet for a pipeline project that would bring natural gas from the Bahamas to South Florida."

Trigaux writes that "Darman was intimately involved with former President George Bush's promise - later broken - immortalized in the line, Read my lips: no new taxes. Breaking that vow was a major factor in Bush's election loss to Bill Clinton in 1992.

"Darman moved on from government. But not too far. In addition to his recent role as chairman of AES, Darman has served since 1993 as part of the senior management team and adviser of the Carlyle Group of Washington."

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