Public polling industry
"What these polls have in common is that they reveal "findings" that their sponsors wish the public to believe as facts." --Chris Mooney, "John Zogby's Creative Polls," The American Prospect vol. 14 no. 1, February 1, 2003
SourceWatch resources
Public polling industry
The following is a list of entities involved in the public polling industry.
Political pollsters
- American Research Group
- American Viewpoint (R)
- Ayres McHenry & Associates (R)
- Badger Poll
- Charleton Research Company/Charlton Research
- CNN's Allpolitics Poll Archives/CNN Inside Politics
- Crosby/Textor
- Darren Morris & Associates
- Dresner Wickers
- Elections USA
- Fabrizio McLaughlin & Associates/
- Fako & Associates/ (D)
- Fenn & King Communciation (D)
- Field Poll
- Florida Voter
- The Gallup Poll/
- Garin-Hart-Yang Research Group (D)
- Gonzales/Arscott
- Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research (D)/Stanley Greenberg
- Harstad Strategic (D)
- Harris Poll
- Hill Research Consultants (R)
- Keystone Poll
- Lake Snell Perry & Associates, Inc.
- Marist College Poll
- Market Decisions
- Market Strategies (R)
- Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc.
- McAuliffe Message Media (R)
- McLaughlin and Associates (R)
- The Mellman Group
- Mitchell Research
- Moore Information
- Ivan Moore Research (D)
- National Opinion Research Center/National Opinion Research Center
- The New York Times/CBS News Poll/New York Times-CBS News Poll
- Opinion Dynamics Corporation
- Penn, Schoen & Berland
- Pew Research Center for the People and the Press/Pew Research Center
- Polling Report, Inc./
- Portrait of America
- Probolsky Research (R)
- Program on International Policy Attitudes which does WorldPublicOpinion polls
- Public Opinion Strategies (R)
- Public Policy Institute
- Princetown Survey Research
- Quinnipiac University Polling Institute
- RKM Research
- R.T. Nielson Co.
- Rasmussen Research
- Sander-Innocenzi (R)
- Siena Research Institute
- Strother Duffy Strother (D)
- Southern Media & Opinion Research
- Southern Research Group
- Survey USA
- The Tarrance Group
- USA Polling Group
- Voter Consumer Research (R)
- Ward Research
- Washington Post Polls/Washington Post Polls
- Wilson Research Strategies
- Wirthlin Worldwide (R)
- Yale Unversity
- Zogby International/
External Sources
- Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss, Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official Count(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2006)
- Kenneth F. Warren, In Defense of Public Opinion Polling (Boulder, CO; Westview Press, 2003)
Academic Journals