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People's Networking Convention (PNC) will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, on August 15-17, 2008. According to its wiki website (accessed February 11, 2008) PNC "will provide a space for discussion and debate of non-elections based organizing. We are concerned people wishing to respond to the corporate-sponsored theater of the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and elections. We pledge allegiance to no parties and wish to work towards unity in our struggles and successes. We seek to create an atmosphere of support and collaboration in our efforts against the government's domination and the injustices that come with an exploitative economy. We are pesenting an opportunity for face-to-face dialogue and discussion related to grassroots democracy in our communities. Building our alliances through participatory workshops and hands-on social experiences provides us with the possibility of breaking through the mundane, half-baked, and often irrational ideas that the Democrats and Republicans try to sell us as "real" debate. We are fighting to break through the politics of fear."[1]


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