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NextEra Energy Resources

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NextEra Energy Resources was previously known as FPL Energy and is a subsidiary of FPL Group, which also owns Florida Power & Light. NextEra changed its name in January 2009. It is the largest producer of wind and solar energy in North America. The company currently has more than 6,300 megawatts of wind generation in operation, enough to power more than 1.5 million average homes. It also is the largest generator of solar thermal power in the world. The company co-owns and operates seven solar plants in California’s Mojave Desert, which collectively form the world’s largest solar site. In all, the company operates 310 megawatts of solar power.[1]

NextEra Energy Resources also incorporates nuclear power into its portfolio through 88 percent ownership of the Seabrook Station in New Hampshire; a 70 percent interest in the Duane Arnold Energy Center in Iowa; and 100 percent ownership of Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Wisconsin. The FPL Group nuclear fleet, including nuclear assets of Florida Power & Light Company, is the third largest in the United States.[1]

Existing Coal Plants

Ownership or partial ownership of coal plants:[2]

Plant State Year(s) Built Capacity
Port of Stockton District Energy Facility CA 1987 54 MW
Ebensburg Generating Plant PA 1990 57.6 MW
Birch Plant PA 1986 82 MW

Contact details

External links

"FPL announces plans for new solar energy generation, including world's largest photovoltaic solar project and first solar thermal 'hybrid' energy center," company press release, June 25, 2008


  1. 1.0 1.1 "FPL Energy to change name to NextEra Energy Resources" NextEra Energy Resources Website, January 7, 2009.
  2. "NextEra Energy Resources Facilities" NextEra Energy Resources Website, September 2009
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