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Bellagio Study and Conference Center

The Bellagio Study and Conference Center "is central to The Rockefeller Foundation's commitment to 'promote the well-being' of humanity. The Center provides a platform for:

  • Framing debates on globally relevant issues
  • Reflection on significant scholarship and public policy
  • Conceiving and considering ways and means to translate theory into action

"Work is accomplished in an atmosphere in which ideas and solutions evolve through the cross-pollination of the differences and diversity of those in residence at any given time...

"The Rockefeller Foundation has operated the Bellagio Center in Italy since 1960. In leaving the property to the Foundation, the previous owner mandated that it be used “for purposes connected with the promotion of international understanding.” A group of distinguished scholars was convened to discuss and advise on the land's usage and function. It was their view that the property should be a refuge for contemplation, writing, and purposeful discussion -- a place where the world’s leading thinkers could be free from everyday demands. In addition, they proposed the Center host targeted conferences, with the goal of arriving at important conclusions concerning the state of knowledge in a given field, and plotting paths for future development." [1]

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  1. Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Rockefeller Foundation, accessed April 22, 2008.