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Dr. Andrew F. Krepinevich is the Executive Director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. His areas of expertise are Strategic Assessments and Planning, Military Revolutions, Transformation of the Military. Krepinevich is "an accomplished author and lecturer on defense and national security with extensive executive and strategic planning experience. Before retiring from the US Army in 1993, Dr. Krepinevich served on the personal staff of three secretaries of defense. In 1997, he was appointed by the Secretary of Defense to serve on the nine-member National Defense Panel. Dr. Krepinevich is a graduate of West Point and holds an MPA and a PhD from Harvard University."

"Andrew Krepinevich is Director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington, D.C., an influential defense policy think tank. He is the author of the award-winning and controversial book, The Army and Vietnam (Johns Hopkins Press, 1986) and numerous articles. Krepinevich was an officer in the U.S. Army for twenty years, received a Ph.D. from Harvard, taught on the West Point faculty, worked in Andrew Marshall's Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and served as member of the 1997 National Defense Panel. In recent years he has been one of the most prominent commentators on the revolution in military affairs (RMA) and defense "transformation.""[1]

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