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Andrea Diehl is a Senior Writer for the Small Planet Institute "and has been in the communications business for 35 years. Andrea has worked for organizations as diverse as the U.S. Attorney’s office, Eastern Pennsylvania District (as Public Affairs Officer), Princeton University (writing speeches for the President), The Philadelphia Daily News (Food Editor and columnist), Bennington College (Communications Director), The Vermont Country Store (managing multi-channel copy and voice), and the state of Vermont (as founder and coordinator of the Bennington County Small Claims Mediation Project). She holds a B.A., summa cum laude, from Williams College, an M.F.A. from Bennington College in Writing and Literature, an M.Ed. in Organization and Management from Antioch University, and a certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution from Woodbury College. She has served her community of North Bennington as president of the Park-McCullough Association and The Bennington Area Arts Council, as a trustee of the Bennington Museum, and as a founding member of the Vermont Women's Fund. Andrea last worked with Frances and Anna Lappé as the recipe tester and an editor of Hope’s Edge. " [1]

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  1. Team, Small Planet Institute, accessed October 16, 2009.

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