On October 30, 2003, Secretary of Defense [[Donald Rumsfeld]] signed a secret order for the classified 74-page directive the '''Information Operations Roadmap'''. [http://www.capitolhillblue.com/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=38&num=5847&printer=1]
The ''Roadmap'' is a "detailed plan being implemented by the [[Pentagon]]," [[Christopher J. Lamb]], a senior fellow in the [[Institute for National Security Studies]] at the [[National Defense University]] and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Resources and Plans, [http://www.ndu.edu/inss/press/jfq_pages/1536.pdf wrote] First Quarter 2005 in the ''Joint Force Quarterly''. "The roadmap charts a course for developing [[informations operations|IO ]] into a mature warfighting capability and a core joint competency. It is designed to enable capabilities to keep pace with threats and exploit opportunities afforded by innovation and information technologies. Lessons learned from [[Operation Iraqi Freedom|Iraqi Freedom]] underscore the validity of its recommendations."
"The key assumption underlying the IO roadmap is that exploiting information for decisionmaking has become critical for military success. Accordingly, it must be treated on a par with ground, maritime, air, and special operations," Lamb wrote.