"'In the battle of perception management, where the enemy is clearly using the media to help manage perceptions of the general public, our job is not perception management but to counter the enemy's perception management,' said the chief Pentagon spokesman, [[Lawrence Di Rita]]" in December 2004. [
==Definition of Information Operations==
"The integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare [EW], computer network operations [CNO], psychological operations [PSYOP], military deception, and operations security [OPSEC], with specified supporting and related capabilities to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp adversarial human and automated decisionmaking while protecting our own." --[[Department of Defense]] ''Information Operations Roadmap'', October 30, 2003. [http://www.iwar.org.uk/iwar/]
==Related Documents & Reports==
*From [http://www.iwar.org.uk/iwar/ "Information Operations Roadmap,"] ''Information Warfare Site'':
*[[fake news]]
*[[information operations]]
*[[Information Operations Task Force]]
*[[information warfare]]