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'''SourceWatch''' is a free ''encyclopedia of people, issues, and groups shaping the public agenda'' that is being written collaboratively on this web site. It catalogues descriptions and details of PR firms, activist groups and government agencies as well as the criticisms that are made of these groups from different perspectives. ([[SourceWatch:Purpose|More...]])
What follows is the work of an individual known as The Adhominator. You can recognise his style as he always attacks the arguer, never the argument. You can identify him because the only authority he quotes is himself. Enjoy!
You may not agree with all of the criticisms, and if you think something that appears here is unfair, you can fix it! The site is a [[w:WikiWiki|Wiki]], meaning that anyone, including you, can edit any article right now by clicking on the ''edit this page'' link that appears in every article in SourceWatch. As more and more people edit the articles, they improve in quality all the time. ([[SourceWatch:Contributing|More...]])