Peter Roff
Peter Roff is a vice president of the Free Enterprise Fund (FEF). [1]. Prior to that he was the Senior Political Analyst for United Press International (UPI), until May 11, 2005.
A biographical note on the Free Enterprise Fund Web Site says Roff is "a 15-year veteran of electoral and ideological politics. He understands government, elections, and public policy as only a former insider can ...His sharp edged commentaries on the politics, the media and culture frequently come at issues in a way no one else has considered. His knowledge of the process and his access to the people who make things happen in politics inside and outside the Washington Beltway make his analysis of the American political scene a must read for those who really want to know what is going on and, more importantly, why." [2]
His biographical note provides no details of any former employers.
External links
- "United Press International", accessed December 9, 2003
- "Peter Roff" Free Enterprise Fund, undated, accessed July 2005.