Operation Offset

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Operation Offset is the name given by the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives, to the $543 billion spending-cut plan they propose to offset the cost of the Hurricane Katrina "relief and reconstruction effort" of the Gulf Coast. [1][2][3]

Read the September 21, 2005, "internal Republican Study Committee document" posted online by The Raw Story; also available on the RSC website (PDF file).

Some of the Proposed Spending Cuts

Support for "Operation Offset"

  • News Release: "FreedomWorks Members to Rally in Support of Operation Offset. Dozens to attend and show support for House effort to fund Katrina relief with budget savings," FreedomWorks.org, September 21, 2005.

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External Links

"Heritage Foundation Capitalizes on Katrina: Washington, DC's premier right wing think tank puts forward a laundry list of conservative proposals to rebuild the Gulf Coast,"] Media Transparency, September 15, 2005.