Aurea Foundation

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Aurea is a charitable foundation established in 2006 by Peter Munk and Melanie Munk "to support Canadian institutions involved in the study and development of public policy. Aurea Foundation’s grant program aims to facilitate exchanges in the marketplace of ideas to the benefit of all Canadians." [1]

Munk Debates

"The Munk Debates provide a lively and substantive forum for leading thinkers to discuss the pressing issues of our time. Two debates are held each year in Toronto, one in the spring and one in the fall. The previous Munk Debate participants include Amb. Richard Holbrooke, historian Niall Ferguson, UN Special Envoy for HIV AIDS Steven Lewis, Amb. John Bolton, columnist Charles Krauthammer and activist Mia Farrow.

"The Munk Debates is a signature initiative of the Aurea Foundation, a Canadian charitable organization established in 2006 by philanthropist Peter Munk and his wife Melanie Munk to support Canadian institutions and individuals involved in the study and development of public policy." [2]



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  1. About, Aurea Foundation, accessed November 29, 2010.
  2. Tony Blair to argue for the benefit of religion at this year's Munk Debate, Tony Blair, accessed November 29, 2010.