Earth Restoration Corps
Earth Restoration Corps "main OBJECTIVE is to conduct and facilitate action-based learning, in partnership with local and international organizations, leading to productive and meaningful work in environmentally sustainable development. The learning is also a transformational process of character development by re-connecting with nature’s laws and drawing on people’s respective ethical, cultural, and spiritual traditions. On this foundation of moral regeneration, young adults will acquire the knowledge, motivation, and practical skills for productive work opportunities that in part incorporate the creative application of earth restoration techniques, including appropriate and energy renewable technologies." [1]
"The Earth Restoration Corps (ERC) was formally established as a non-profit corporation in 1999 and obtained tax-exempt 501(c)3 status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in 2000. But before its formal establishment, the ERC’s history spanned decades of preparation and activities – first-hand experience, reflection, spiritually grounded activism and advocacy, launching projects, networking – by its visionary founder and president, Hanne M. Strong of Denmark." [2]
Accessed August 2008: [3]
- Hanne M. Strong, President.
- Peter Gyallay-Pap, Vice President
- Vance Hartke, Executive Director
- Suzanne Foote, Administrative Officer and Program Coordinator.
- Barbara de Camp, Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant
- Kailash, Financial Officer & Webmaster
Accessed August 2008: [4]
- [[Jan A. Hartke], Chair
- [[John A. Hoyt], Vice-Chair
- [[Hanne M. Strong], President
- [[Robert C. Gustafson], Treasurer
- [[Flynn Bucy, Secretary]
- [[Maurice F. Strong]
- [[Carolina Garcia Travesi]
- [[Marcelo de Andrade]
- J. Stewart Borie
International Advisory Board
Accessed August 2008: [5]
- Moises and Benki Pianco, Ashininka tribal leaders, Amazonia
- Theodore Roszak, author and futurist
- Gregory A. Cajete, Tewa Indian educator and author (New Mexico)
- Hazel Henderson, world economist and futurist
- William Mollison, founder of the Permaculture Network (Australia)
- Norman Myers,
- David Courchene, Jr., Anishnawbe (Canada) shaman
- David Suzuki,
- Severn Cullis Suzuki,
- Don Eberly, director of Youth Employment Service
- Wanjira Mathai, founder of the Green Belt movement (Kenya)
- John Todd & Nancy Todd, Ocean Arks International (New Mexico)
- Amory Lovins,
- Helena Norberg-Hodge, director of the Society for Culture and Environment
- Olesegun, former Head of State, Nigeria
"Community of contributors" include:
Accessed August 2008: [6]
- CH2M Hill, Denver
- Humane Society of the United States
- Earth Council, Toronto
- Laurence Rockefeller
- Elinor Patterson Baker Trust
- Rasmussen Foundation
- Winslow Foundation
- Yukio Takahasi, Tokyo
- Gerling Foundation
Resources and articles
Related Sourcewatch articles
- ↑ Objectives, Earth Restoration Corps, accessed August 25, 2008.
- ↑ History, Earth Restoration Corps, accessed August 25, 2008.
- ↑ Who we are, Earth Restoration Corps, accessed August 25, 2008.
- ↑ Directors, Earth Restoration Corps, accessed August 25, 2008.
- ↑ International Advisory Board, Earth Restoration Corps, accessed August 25, 2008.
- ↑ Who we are, Earth Restoration Corps, accessed August 25, 2008.