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John B. Rich Memorial Power Station

10 bytes removed, 21:25, 17 November 2009
SW: adjusted location to power station rather than coal bunker collector station
'''John B. Rich Memorial Power Station''' is a coal-fired power station owned and operated by [[Gilberton Power Company]] (which is owned by coal magnate [[John W. Rich]]) near Frackville, Pennsylvania.
<googlemap version="0.9.4" zoom="17" lat="40.8017557905" lon="-76.197441198"
*'''Units and In-Service Dates''': 88.4 MW (1988)
*'''Location''': 50 Eleanor Dr., Frackville, PA 17931
*'''GPS Coordinates''': 40.801755, 7905 -76.197441198
*'''Electricity Production''': 672,773 MWh (2005)
*'''Coal Consumption''':