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Southern Research Institute, Homeland Security Research Department, is affiliated with the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Homeland Security Laboratory

"The Homeland Security Laboratory focuses on research that involves emerging and re-emerging infectious agents with biological threat potential. The laboratory facilities - located in both Birmingham, Alabama and Frederick, Maryland - contain fully equipped Biosafety Level 3 containment for both cell-based and animal-based studies (BSL-3 and Animal BSL-3). Laboratories in both locations are certified to handle CDC Category A, B and C infectious and toxin agents, and are fully registered with the USDA for the handling of many animal pathogens with threat potential. Southern Research's scientific and technical support staffs have recognized expertise in the execution of basic and applied research projects involving biological threat agents. We actively participate in the Department of Defense Special Immunizations Program (SIP) which allows our staff access to all threat agent vaccines available for human use.


"The Homeland Security and Infectious Disease Research Division conducts basic and applied research in drug, vaccine, and immune modulator development for government, academic, and commercial clients. Our Birmingham and Frederick locations contain approximately 50,000 square feet of BSL-2 and BSL-3 (including ABSL-3) space. These laboratories are registered with the Centers for Disease Control, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Drug Administration for the possession, handling, and transport of select agents.

"The Division currently performs threat agent research funded by DoD (DARPA, USAMRIID, DoD Joint Programs office, USAMRMC), HHS (FOH, CDC), as well as other Government agencies (DoJ, Interior Department, EPA). In addition the Division performs applied research in drug and vaccine development for a number of commercial clients."


Contact details

2000 Ninth Avenue South
P.O. Box 55305
Birmingham, AL 35205
Phone: (205) 581-2000
Fax: (205) 581-2726

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