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Katrina Brown "is a Reader in Environment and Development in the School of Development Studies at UEA. She leads the programme on social resilience, social capital and justice in the new Programme on Environmental Decision-Making in CSERGE. She is an interdisciplinary environmental scientist with diverse research interests in the field of environmental decision-making. After completing a PhD at the University of Nottingham on women farmers' collective action in eastern Kenya, she joined CSERGE as a founding researcher in 1991 till she moved to the School of Development Studies in 1994. Katrina is also a founding co-applicant of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, a cross-Research Council initiative with its headquarters at UEA.

"She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Member of the Board International Society for Ecological Economics, and Member of the Intermediate Technology Development Group. Her current research examines development-related issues including inclusionary decision-making processes, and institutional dynamics of ecosystems and conservation. Her next book, Making Waves: Integrating Coastal Conservation and Development, is published by Earthscan in August 2002. She is currently editing a volume entitled Adaptive Institutions for Conservation and Development: Innovations in Amazonia to be published by Columbia University Press." [1]

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  1. Katrina Brown, UEA, accessed May 3, 2009.

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