Frank Barnaby
{{#badges: Nuclear spin}} Frank Barnaby "is Nuclear Issues Consultant to Oxford Research Group, and is ORG’s longest-serving consultant. He is a nuclear physicist by training and worked at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston between 1951-57. He was on the senior scientific staff of the Medical Research Council when a university lecturer at University College London (1957-67). He was Executive Secretary of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs in the late 1960s and Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) from 1971-81. He was a Professor at the Free University, Amsterdam (1981-85) and Visiting Professor at the University of Minnesota in 1985. He is now a freelance defence analyst, and is a prolific author on military technology. His books include: Man and the Atom (Thames and Hudson, 1971), The Nuclear Age (MIT Press, 1974), The Automated Battlefield (Sidgwik and Jackson, 1987), The Invisible Bomb (Tauris, 1989), How Nuclear Weapons Spread (Routledge, 1993), Instruments of Terror (Vision Books, 1996), and How to Make a Nuclear Weapon and other Weapons of Mass Destruction (Granta, 2004)." [1]