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'''Helmut Metzner''' (September 15, 1925 - September 20, 1999) was a professor for chemical plant physiology at the University of Tübingen (Germany).
My boss wanted me to change this page so I did.
Hans Filbinger founded in October 1979 together with Helmut Metzner, Günter Rohrmoser, Heinz Karst and Erich Baumann the right wing [[think tank]] [[Studienzentrum Weikersheim]] [http://www.jf-archiv.de/archiv03/383yy41.htm] and Metzner was at least until 1995 a member of the board. [http://www.free.de/antifa/nrw/okt95/weikersh.html]
Metzner founded in 1986 the 'Europäische Akademie für Umweltfragen' (EAU or in English the [[European Academy for Environmental Affairs]]) in Tübingen and remained its president until his dead in 1999. EAU organized together with the [[Science and Environmental Policy Project]] (SEPP) a conference in Leipzig in 1995 and another conference in Bonn in 1997 which resulted in the [[Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change]].
== Books ==
Several of his books were officially published (herausgegeben) by the 'European Acadamy' although the logistics is done by Hirzel Verlag in Stuttgart. [http://www.dav-buchhandlung.de/?subtopic=59]
*Helmut Metzner, "Biochemie der Pflanzen," ''Enke'', 1973, ISBN 3432839715
*Helmut Metzner, "Pflanzenphysiologische Versuche," ''Urban & Fischer'', 1982, ISBN 3437202685
*[[Frits Böttcher]], Helmut Metzner, "CO2, Klimabedrohung oder Politik?," ''Paul Haupt'', 1994, ISBN 3258050376 [http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3258050376/qid=1092908910/sr=1-9/ref=sr_1_8_9/028-4321736-8666935]
*[[Wolfgang Thüne|W. Thüne]], [[S. Fred Singer|F. Singer]], [[Frederick Seitz|F. Seitz]], Helmut Metzner, "Treibhaus-Kontroverse und Ozon-Problem : Symposium der Europäischen Akademie für Umweltfragen Leipzig 9.-10. November 1995", ''Böttiger'', 1996, ISBN 3925725296
*Klaus Brinkmann, Erwin Kulzer, Helmut Metzner, "Grundlagen der Lebensvorgänge: Pflanzen und Tiere in ihrer Umwelt," ''Hirzel'', 1997, ISBN 377760772X
*Helmut Metzner, Günther Reichelt, "Lebensraum Erde: Die Sonderstellung unseres bewohnten Planeten," ''Hirzel'', 1997, ISBN 3777607754
*Helmut Metzner, "Solarenergie und Atomstrom: Energiequellen, Umweltbelastung und das CO2-Problem," ''Hirzel'', October 1, 1998, ISBN 3777608777
*Hermann Berg, Helmut Metzner, "Strahlen und Wellen: Einführung in die Radioökologie," ''Hirzel'', October 1, 1998, ISBN 3777608734
*Helmut Metzner, "Vom Chaos zum Bios: Gedanken zum Phänomen Leben," ''Hirzel'', October 1, 1999, ISBN 377760934X
== Related Links ==
*Karin Fischer-Zeh, "[http://www.life.uiuc.edu/govindjee/history/obit/MetznerObitNew.pdf Obituary Helmut Metzner (1925-1999)]", ''Photosynthesis Research'', 2000
*Klaus Wegmann, "[http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/qvo/Tun/TUN95-25.html Helmut Metzner]," ''Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie'' (German page)
[[Category:Leipzig Declaration signers|Metzner]]

Revision as of 10:01, 14 August 2005

My boss wanted me to change this page so I did.