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David Horowitz (ex-Marxist)

1,810 bytes removed, 19:04, 27 March 2006
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This endeavor has been repeatedly criticized by Prof. Juan Cole's, for example:
:Rep. [[Dennis Baxley]], R-Ocala, has introduced a Horowitz-inspired so-called Academic Freedom Bill of Rights in the Florida State legislature. In our Orwellian world, this is actually a bill to destroy academic freedom and take away rights of free speech on campus. [Free speech, but only for liberals, as evidenced by attempted banning of military recruiters, etc.] Baxley is a funeral director, [irrelevant] and apparently he wants to bury higher education in this country along with his other clients [unwarranted assumption, but nice attempt at cuteness].:: "The bill sets a statewide standard that students cannot be punished for professing beliefs with which their professors disagree. Professors would also be advised to teach alternative “serious academic theories” that may disagree with their personal views.<br>According to a legislative staff analysis of the bill, the law would give students who think their beliefs are not being respected legal standing to sue professors and universities.<br>Students who believe their professor is singling them out for “public ridicule” – for instance, when professors use the Socratic method to force students to explain their theories in class – would also be given the right to sue.<br>“Some professors say, ‘Evolution is a fact. I don’t want to hear about Intelligent Design (a creationist theory), and if you don’t like it, there’s the door,’” Baxley said, citing one example when he thought a student should sue." [Human knowledge is always growing and evolving, although, due to the nature of human existence, it is doomed to always remain incomplete. Liberals, however, like religious fundamentalists, think they already know it all, and they sincerely believe that anyone who disagrees with them is a moron--excuse me, intellectually challenged.]
: Let me explain some things to Representative Baxley, and to do so I suggest we look at how well he is doing his job.
: &hellip; I wonder if Baxley has done anything lately for the 18 percent of his constituents who are doomed to live below the poverty line? Or, indeed, has he provided jobs and income to his hardworking constituents. [Issue is a diversion, not relevant to subject at hand. Most poor neighborhoods are Democratic.] If I were them, I'd find a state representative who would work hard to lift people out of their difficult circumstances, instead of one who seems to want to keep people mired in ignorance and poverty. [Again, not relevant, and it assumes all who disagree are ignorant.] <br>So if Baxley, who desperately needed to take Biology 101 at Florida State (which should consider revoking his BA), [this assertion is every bit as bitchy as anything Ann Coulter might say, but without the foundation in truth that she usually enjoys] succeeded in his little ploy, what will likely ensue?<br>If I were Baxley I wouldn't stand anywhere near I-95 north of Gainesville, since he's likely to get run over by the rush of professors fleeing the state at 95 miles an hour [good riddance]. Post-secondary teachers already suffer from low salaries and poor working conditions [most are still paid more than they're worth] compared to their peers who go into the professions. [Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.] The only trade-off they get is that academics have more control over their lives [job security, unassailable tenure, and freedom from accountability], and the time to research and teach things they are interested in [the destruction of civilization as we know it]. Given a choice between being made Baxley's slaves and braving hurricanes in Florida or living in a state that respects its thinkers [Liberals aren't thinkers; their minds are every bit as closed as religious fundamentalists], Florida's educators will pour out of the state faster than a 'gator chasing a fat, balding funeral director [typical liberal irrelevant ad hominem attack] through the swamps.<br>Baxley may be happier without any of those intell-Ec-tu-al riffraff cluttering up his state [Liberals think they're better than everyone else, don't they?]. But maybe his constituents won't be. Knowledge workers, you see, [is that a new liberal euphemism, like sex workers?] are the geese that lay the golden eggs. Post-secondary teachers are the ones who train the people who found computer software, biotechnology and other companies key to the twenty-first century economy. [Most of the math and science departments at our universities are conservatively oriented.] They also train society's managers and middle managers [Mostly incompetent dopers who couldn't pass an exam without a cheat sheet. That's why America is going to hell in a handbasket.]. The more high-powered academics you have in your state, the wealthier your state will be [Unwarranted assumption; just because you're educated in Florida doesn't mean you will open your company there.] <br>'''&hellip;'''<br>You wonder if educators should let a thing like this be forgotten, or just lie down and let themselves be walked all over by paleontologically-challenged funeral directors [ad hominem attack again]. [The thought processes that went into the formation of this article are perfect examples of why we need to weed the ultra-libs out of the academic system.][]
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