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Medialink Worldwide

127 bytes added, 14:45, 14 September 2007
SW: →‎Board of Directors: new Board members
===Board of Directors===
From a September 2007 press release: []
*[[Bruce Bishop]], CFO [[Text 100]]
*[[Harold FienltFinelt]], venture p[artner [[American Research & Development]]*[[John M. Greening]], Associate Professor and director, graduate program at the [[Meddill Medill School of Journalism]], Northwestern University,*[[Donald Kimelman]], director, the Venture Fund, the [[Pew Charitable Trusts]]
*[[Douglas S. Knopper]], CEO BitPass,
*[[Catherine Lugbauer]], principal, [[Kelly and Lugbaeur]]
*[[Laurence Moskowitz]], Chairman, President, CEO of Medialink
*[[James J. O'Neill]], porivate private financial consultant*[[Jeffrey Stone]], private investor*[[Theodore WmW. Tashlik]], member, [[Tashlik, Kreutzer, Goldwyn & Crandell]] P.C.
In its annual 10-K return to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Medialink states that as of December 31, 2004 it had 164 employees. "None of the


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