Sven Eliaeson
Sven Eliaeson "obtained his PhD at Uppsala University in 1982. His dissertation dealt with the reception of Max Weber. He became a Senior Lecturer at Karlstad's University in 1990, Docent in Political Science at Stockholm University in 1996, and since 2001 he has been a Professor of Sociology at the Centre for Social Studies.
"The classics - in particular Max Weber and his context and the proper pursuit of intellectual history - are his main areas of research. He is also interested in intellectual migration and is elaborating on "the long line of secularization" in social thought, which includes such scholars as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Bentham, Max Weber, and also Axel Hagerstrőm and Gunnar Myrdal, two Swedish scholars extending Max Weber's value philosophy. Professor Eliaeson has published a number of articles on Myrdal and Hogerstrőm as well as edited volumes on comparative secessions and Nordic security policy, areas more remote from the RCHS agenda. Together with Stanford Lyman he edited "Alva and Gunnar Myrdal: A Symposium on Their Lives and Works" in the International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society (2001). He recently published Max Weber's Methodologies. Interpretation and Critique with Polity Press (2002).
"Professor Eliaeson has been a frequent visiting scholar at various universities in Germany (Ludwig Maximilians-Universitat, the Max Weber archives at the Bavarian Academy of Science in Munich and the University of Konstanz) as well as in the US (University of South Florida, University of Florida and University of Chicago)." [1]