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According to its official website, the Ruhi Institute "is an educational institution, operating under the guidance of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Colombia, which dedicates its efforts to the development of human resources for the spiritual, social, and cultural development of the Colombian people. Although its center is in the town of Puerto Tejada in the department of Cauca, its area of influence extends throughout the entire country. Especially in recent years, its educational programs have been adopted by an increasing number of agencies worldwide."[1]

"Like any other institution involved in the process of education for development, the Ruhi Institute has formulated its strategies within a special framework and a philosophy of social change, development and education. In this case, that understanding has emerged from a consistent effort to apply Bahá’í principles to the analysis of social conditions."[[2]


Application of Baha'i Principles

Regarding the nature and purpose of the activities, the Ruhi Institute Site states that "Bahá’ís everywhere are engaged in a global process of learning that is helping to build their capacity to apply the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh to the transformation of society. Their current efforts are described in the extract below from a message dated 21 April 2008 from the Universal House of Justice, the international governing body of the Baha'i Faith. As a contribution to this learning process, the Ruhi Institute carries out action and research in the field, in order to develop programs and materials that enhance the capacity of individuals and communities to serve humanity."[3]

According to the Institute's website, "The Baha'i Faith sees the present state of human affairs as a natural stage in an organic process which will finally lead to the unity of the human race external link within one social order. Humanity as a whole has gone through evolutionary stages similar to those experienced by an individual; having passed through infancy and childhood, it is now experiencing the difficult culminating moments of a turbulent adolescence.external link The present state of confusion, doubt, and belligerence is simply to be understood as the condition of an adolescent who strongly desires growth and maturity, but is still attached to childish attitudes and customs. Yet the moment is ripe for this adolescent to take a final step and enter the constructive and dynamic but balanced state of maturity and adulthood."[4]

"In analyzing the rapid changes occurring in the world today, Bahá’ís identify two parallel processes operating at all levels—village, town, nation, and global society. On the one hand, it is clear that human society is suffering from a process of disintegration that manifests itself in wars, terrorism, chaos, physical and psychological insecurity, and a widespread condition of material poverty. On the other hand, forces of integration are moving individuals and groups toward the adoption of new values, new forms of organization, and appropriate structures that can lay the foundation for the establishment of a new social order. The Ruhi Institute defines its basic aim as that of becoming a channel for the spiritual forces of our time to be applied to the lives of the masses of humanity, empowering them to contribute to the establishment of a new world civilization."Statement of Purpose and Methods, accessed April 10, 2009.</ref>

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