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Dr. Judith A. Reisman describes herself as a researcher, lecturer, expert witness and educator "regarding fraudulent sex scientists, sex education and the power and effect of images and the monopoly media to alter human behavior. The special emphasis of her work has been and continues to be the negative influence of these change agents upon children and society."

Her work has been endorsed by conservative commentators including "Dr. Laura" Schlessinger. On Reisman's website, Schlessinger is cited stating "Dr. Reisman has produced a scholarly and devastating study revealing the ugly and frighteningly dangerous pseudo-scientific assault on our children's innocence." [1]

She has also drawn support Charles E. Rice, Professor at Notre Dame Law School for her work critiquing Kinsey's survey work on sexuality. "Dr. Reisman's study supports the conclusion that Alfred Kinsey's research was contrived, ideologically driven and misleading. Any judge, legislator or other public official who gives credence to that research is guilty of malpractice and dereliction of duty," Rice stated.

A major focus of her work has been discrediting Kinsey, who she saw as single-handedly inventing the sexual revolution.

Other Profiles

Reisman was described October 5, 2000, by David M. Bresnahan in WorldNetDaily as "formerly a research professor at American University, veteran pornography researcher and expert witness before the attorney general's commission on pornography ..." "Contrary to the popular view that there is little crossover between homosexuality and pedophilia, she says homosexuals are anxious to recruit young boys -- a practice that is becoming easier thanks to sex education and 'diversity programs' in schools that teach children to consider homosexuality as both acceptable and normal."

According to an interview posted online May 26, 2005, by Wes Penre, a "talented musician and songwriter," Reisman "has produced educational music histories for museums in Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and Cleveland, and during the 1970s she produced music videos for Captain Kangaroo, the long-running children’s television program.

"Dr. Reisman received her Ph.D. in communications from Case Western Reserve University and has lectured and testified the world over to professional organizations, legislatures, parliaments, and courts regarding the power and effect of images and the media to alter human behavior. She has served as a consultant to the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services."

Another biographical profile posted online by Catholic Outreach states that Reisman "received both her Masters and Doctorate in Communications from Case Western Reserve University" and "has held academic positions at George Mason University, The American University, and The University of Haifa, Israel."

Published Works

  • "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud" (Reisman, et al., 1990)
  • "Soft Porn Plays Hardball" (1991)
  • "Partner Solicitation Language as a Reflection of Male Sexual Orientation" (with Johnson, 1995)
  • "Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences" (1998, 2000)
  • U.S. Department of Justice study "Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler" (1989)

Articles by Reisman

Contact information

Institute for Media Education
P.O. Box 15284
Sacramento, Calif. 05851-0284
Email: jareisman AT

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