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Henk Hobbelink

"As an agronomist by training, Henk could have been a great entomologist and plant breeder; but in the Peruvian Andes he met the stark reality of genetic erosion& and decided to do something about it. After running the seed's campaign of the International Coalition for Development Action (ICDA) for several years he co-founded GRAIN in 1990 with Renée. Henk has written a number of books, such as "New Hope or False Promise?" in 1987 and "Biotechnology and the future of world agriculture" in 1991 and co-edited "Growing Diversity" in 1992.

"Henk is currently the co-ordinator of GRAIN and works from the Barcelona office in Spain. His main area of work is now in promoting the development of agricultural diversity as a strategy for agriculture R&D." [1]

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  1. Henk Hobbelink, GRAIN, accessed May 3, 2009.