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Bruce A. Dixon, Managing Editor of Black Agenda Report.

"A habitual troublemaker and incorrigible activist, Bruce Dixon has been comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable since 1968.

"As a rank and file member of the Black Panther Party in 1969-1970, a 1970s rank-and-file union activist in a string of factories, plants and workplaces, a 1980s community organizer in what were then some of the nation's poorest neighborhoods, to organizing and consulting through the 1990s Dixon has built an impressive record of service in and to the cause of human liberation.

"In 2002 he began writing articles for Black Commentator, the predecessor of this publication, and broke the first accurate analyses of the phenomena around the election of Denise Majette over Cynthia McKinney in Georgia that year.

"As managing editor at BAR Dixon is chiefly responsible for maintaning this web site. He currently resides in metro Atlanta." [1]

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  1. About, Black Agenda Report, accessed August 14, 2009.