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Allan Rock "last year became President of the University of Ottawa, following a distinguished career in politics and diplomacy. In 2006, Rock completed his term as Canada's Ambassador to the United Nations. As Ambassador, he led the Canadian effort to secure the adoption by world leaders at their 2005 Summit of the Canadian-inspired principle of the Responsibility to Protect populations from genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Ambassador Rock made a priority of human rights issues in the developing world, and especially in Africa, and led a coalition of like-minded in efforts to end the conflict in northern Uganda. He chaired a Working Group on Haiti. He participated in the AU-led efforts in 2006 in Abuja, Nigeria that attempted to negotiate a peace agreement in Darfur. After completing his term as Ambassador, he served as Special Advisor to the UN on child soldiers in Sri Lanka. Prior to his appointment as U.N. Ambassador, Rock served for 10 years as a member of the Canadian Parliament and occupied senior cabinet positions, including Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health and Minister of Industry." [1]

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  1. Allan Rock, Uganda Fund, accessed August 5, 2009.