Koch Universities
The Charles Koch Foundation and the now-defunct Claude R. Lambe Foundation are member organizations of the Koch Family Foundations. Each year, the family's foundations contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars to academic institutions. According to the Charles G. Koch Foundation website, "the Foundation primarily supports research and higher education programs that analyze the impact of free societies, in particular how they advance the well-being of mankind."[1]
According to IRS tax filing data compiled by Greenpeace, Charles Koch has given over $68 million to over 300 universities from 2005 to 2013.[2] The Center for Public Integrity calculated that the Kochs spent $19.3 million on 163 colleges and universities in 2013 alone.[3]
- 1 How Universities Fit into Charles Koch's Political Strategy
- 2 Koch University Spending and Academic Freedom
- 3 Contributions from the Charles Koch Foundation to Academic Institutions
- 3.1 2020[20]
- 3.2 2019 [21]
- 3.3 2018[22]
- 3.4 2017[24]
- 3.5 2016[25]
- 3.6 2015[27]
- 3.7 2014 [28]
- 3.8 2013[29]
- 3.9 2012[30]
- 3.10 2011[31]
- 3.11 2010[32]
- 3.12 2009[33]
- 3.13 2008[34]
- 3.14 2007[35]
- 3.15 2006[36]
- 3.16 2005[37]
- 3.17 2004[38]
- 3.18 2003[39]
- 3.19 2002[40]
- 3.20 2001[41]
- 3.21 2000[42]
- 3.22 1999[43]
- 3.23 1998[44]
- 4 Contributions from the Claude R. Lambe Foundation to Academic Institutions
- 5 Articles and Resources
How Universities Fit into Charles Koch's Political Strategy
Structure of Production Theory
Longtime Koch Industries executive Richard Fink, Charles Koch's top strategist, explains how the universities are the first step in the Koch network's "Structure of Social Change," a process for influencing politics and culture modeled off of Friedrich Hayek's "structure of production:"[4]
"When we apply this model to the realm of ideas and social change, at the higher stages we have the investment in the intellectual raw materials, that is, the exploration and production of abstract concepts and theories. In the public policy arena, these still come primarily (though not exclusively) from the research done by scholars at our universities. At the higher stages in the Structure of Social Change model, ideas are often unintelligible to the layperson and seemingly unrelated to real-world problems. To have consequences, ideas need to be transformed into a more practical or useable form."
"In the middle stages, ideas are applied to a relevant context and molded into needed solutions for real-world problems. This is the work of the think tanks and policy institutions. Without these organizations, theory or abstract thought would have less value and less impact on our society."
"But while the think tanks excel at developing new policy and articulating its benefits, they are less able to implement change. Citizen activist or implementation groups are needed in the final stage to take the policy ideas from the think tanks and translate them into proposals that citizens can understand and act upon. These groups are also able to build diverse coalitions of individual citizens and special interest groups needed to press for the implementation of policy change."[5]
The Link Between Koch University Gifts and Political Ideology
In 1974, in his capacity as president and chairman of the Institute for Humane Studies (IHS), Charles Koch urged the IHS Board of Directors to avoid giving money to universities unless they would help advance business interests:
“[W]e have supported the very institutions from which the attack on free markets emanate. Although much of our support has been involuntary through taxes, we have also contributed voluntarily to colleges and universities on the erroneous assumption that this assistance benefits businesses and the free enterprise system, even though these institutions encourage extreme hostility to American business. We should cease financing our own destruction and follow the counsel of David Packard, former Deputy Secretary of Defense, by supporting only those programs, departments or schools that ‘contribute in some way to our individual companies or to the general welfare of our free enterprise system.[6][7]
At the 2014 annual meeting of the Koch-led group of mega-donors and politicians in Dana Point, California, known as "Freedom Partners", vice president of the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Kevin Gentry explicitly stated the link between donations to universities and promoting a political agenda. In a recording of his speech obtained by the Center for Public Integrity, Gentry is heard stating "The [Koch] network is fully integrated, so it’s not just work at the universities with the students, but it’s also building state-based capabilities and election capabilities and integrating this talent pipeline...So you can see how this is useful to each other over time,” he continued. “No one else has this infrastructure. We’re very excited about doing it."[3]
Charles Koch remains chairman of the Institute for Humane Studies, which is located on the Arlington campus of George Mason University and regularly receives six-figure grants from the Charles Koch Foundation, in addition to over $35 million to the George Mason University Foundation.[8][9]
Koch University Spending and Academic Freedom
Individual university faculty members, organizations such as the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and numerous independent observers have criticized the gifts given by Koch-related entities to universities for the conditions and restrictions they apply for severely limited academic freedom. With multimillion-dollar gifts to universities, administrators and faculty are compelled to hire faculty, shape curricula and organize student activity in a way that supports the Koch political agenda of free-market economics.[3][10]
George Mason University
Koch-related entities have given more funding to George Mason University than any other university, donating over $14.4 million in 2013 alone. Charles Koch has received an honorary degree from George Mason and serves as the Director of the free market research group/think tank the Mercatus Center. The think tank was described as “critical” to advancing policy priorities by Charles Koch Foundation Vice President Ryan Stowers at the 2014 Koch gathering in California.
The Mercatus Center's influence in Congress has been growing in recent years, as it has been cited in the Congressional Record 32 times between 1999 and 2008 compared to 93 times since 2009. In 2015, a Mercatus Center study was cited in House Concurrent Resolution 27 and Senate Concurrent Resolution 11, which stated that the Center “estimates that Obamacare will reduce employment by up to 3 percent, or about 4 million full-time equivalent workers.” Center's Vice President Carrie Conko denied accusations of political bias, asserting “our researchers are interested in understanding what shapes societies and economies and that covers a spectrum of research from the history of economic thought to the application of economics to questions of public policy.” The Mercatus Center spent $3.64 million to “support graduate students at George Mason University” by “training future scholars and decision-makers to advance and apply a research agenda for understanding institutions and change,” according to a tax filing.[3]
In addition to the Mercatus Center, George Mason is home to the Institute for Humane Studies, a libertarian non-profit organization which provides educational and career programs. The Institute for Humane Studies has been described as the Mercatus Center's "sister organization" and describes its mission as "developing a growing supply of opinion leaders who champion the principles of individual liberty and free enterprise." Since 2010, the Institute has received over $10 million from Koch Foundations.[11] The Institute for Humane Studies is currently led by Charles Koch Foundation Vice President and Eastern vice chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, Kevin Gentry.[3]
In 2018, according to The New York Times George Mason University President Angel Cabrera "ordered an inquiry into whether big-money donors are being given undue influence over academic matters after documents were released showing that the Charles Koch Foundation had been given a voice in hiring and firing professors." The order for an investigation came after documents were revealed —as the result of an UnKoch My Campus Freedom of Information Act request— which exposed "problematic gift agreements" according to Cabrera. [12]
Florida State University
In 2011, Florida State University (FSU) professors Ray Bellamy and Kent Miller exposed controversial provisions mandated by the Charles Koch Foundation in exchange for an initial $1.5 million grant to FSU. In an article for AAUP's Academe magazine, Bellamy and Miller revealed that their ultimate fear was how the Koch Foundation could wind up influencing the curriculum in FSU's Economics Department:
From the start, there was a misplaced emphasis in the media, with most of the attention going to the hiring of faculty. We thought the long-range damage would more likely come from the impact on the curriculum, with the Koch Foundation effectively having access to thousands of undergraduate students.
Defenders of the grant tended to concentrate on a limited set of arguments: universities can’t function without outside help; all grants come with strings attached; donors have a right to say how their money is spent; conservative ideas don’t get a fair shake because of the number of liberal professors; no one complains about the influence of liberal funders; intellectual diversity is absent in state universities; the attack on the Kochs is politically driven.
We agree that outside funds are necessary and that donors have a right to specify in general the areas of focus for their gifts and to receive an accounting of how their money is spent—but nothing beyond that. All ideas should be welcomed at a university; the politics of the giver should not be a disqualifying factor. That is the essence of academic freedom. We would hope that any grant from any foundation that had the provisions and restrictions of this one would evoke an identical response from us.[10]
For the New York Times, Stanley Fish called FSU's president at the time, Eric Barron:
"In a telephone conversation with me, FSU President Eric J. Barron (who was not in office when this all went down) explained that while the foundation’s representatives could have exercised a veto, it never came to that. He added that if the new faculty members ever failed to meet the foundation’s expectations and its gift was withdrawn, the university would step in and provide the necessary support. He acknowledged that these arrangements might make people nervous — some administration members expressed reservations in 2008 and changes were made to the contract — but he insisted that, despite press characterizations of the situation, FSU had not sold its soul."[13]
College of Charleston
In return for a donation, the Charles Koch Foundation requested that the College of Charleston supply the Foundation with the names and email addresses of students "preferably not ending in .edu" who had participated in a Koch-sponsored, club, class, reading group or other programs. The stated purpose of this request was to notify students about opportunities at the Charles Koch Foundation and the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University. In addition, the Charles Koch Foundation requested prior consent from the College of Charleston before speaking to the media about the Koch-funded programs.[3]
Criticism from the American Association of University Professors
Embellishing the controversy at FSU, Inside Higher Ed reporter Dan Berrett examined Charles Koch Foundation "Memorandums of Understanding" signed with West Virginia University, Utah State University, and Clemson University, as well as detailing Koch's long history at George Mason University. Berrett's research indicated the similarities between arrangement at schools receiving over $1 million in grants from the Koch Foundation, and quoted AAUP's former president Cary Nelson to detail the concern that Koch's intentions are at odds with academic freedom:[14]
"Many of the donor agreements — to the extent that the institutions made them available — included consistent, if not identical, language regarding the goals and objectives of the grant. The money paid for the hiring of new faculty members and the expansion of centers with a mission to study capitalism and free enterprise. The goals and objectives of these grants were to support 'research into the causes, measurements, impact and appreciation of economic freedom,' with faculty hired with this money expected to advance 'the understanding and practice of those free voluntary processes and principles that promote social progress, human well-being, individual freedom, opportunity and prosperity based on the rule of law, constitutional government, private property and the laws, regulations, organizations, institutions and social norms upon which they rely.'
"To Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors and Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, such language violates academic freedom and poses problems because of its unspoken agenda.
"Although the Koch Foundation’s objectives are written so as to sound upbeat and cheerful, they amount to code words calling for the dismantling of the welfare state,' Nelson wrote in an e-mail. ' "Economic freedom," sounds like mom and apple pie until you realize it means the government shouldn’t collect taxes, and "free voluntary processes" means buy health care on your own if you can afford it.
"It is wholly inappropriate for an outside foundation to use a university to promote its ideological biases in this way,' he continued. 'The Kochs can fund positions to hire faculty members who study these issues, but not control what stand the faculty members hired [to] take on them. That distinction is part of the firewall protecting academic freedom.' "
Greenpeace posted analyses of Koch contracts with Florida State University, West Virginia University, Clemson University and Utah State University, using source documents to highlight provisions that AAUP and other academics have flagged for violating academic freedom and affording too much control to the Charles Koch Foundation. In the case of Florida State, FSU Economics PhD student Matt Brown was working for the Charles Koch Foundation, with a 3-year salary totaling $549,931 as he helped the Koch Foundation negotiate its first contract with the FSU Economics Department.[15]
In response to criticism by university professors and student activists on Koch-funded campuses across the United States, the Charles Koch Foundation posted a statement on academic freedom on it's website.[16]
In 2015, Illinois State University professor and AAUP Committee A member John K. Wilson noted how FSU's amended contract — which removed the explicit provisions giving the Koch Foundation some level of control over professor hiring--still left room for Koch to influence who would be hired with their grants:
"Making funding for faculty positions contingent upon approval is a threat to academic freedom because it means that a department knows it will benefit by picking certain faculty.
"This is highly unusual in academia: in general, a donor gives money to support a particular department, chair, or program. Then the department chooses the faculty. Florida State’s practice of donors holding their money hostage until the faculty they like are hired is a threat to academic freedom. It creates a financial incentive for departments to hire based on ideology."[17]
A lawsuit against Kansas University (KU) by KU professor Art Hall, a former Koch Industries lobbyist, blocked a student open records request aimed at revealing the Fred C. and Mary R. Koch Foundation contract with KU.[18] This case sparked a national dialog about updating the definitions and limitations of academic freedom, with the Kansas chapter of AAUP supporting student inquiry on whether or not Art Hall is advancing Koch's political interests out of his KU office.[19]
Koch Wiki |
Charles Koch is the right-wing billionaire owner of Koch Industries. As one of the richest people in the world, he is a key funder of the right-wing infrastructure, including the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the State Policy Network (SPN). In SourceWatch, key articles on Charles Koch and his late brother David include: Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, Stand Together Chamber of Commerce, Stand Together, Koch Family Foundations, Koch Universities, and I360. |
Contributions from the Charles Koch Foundation to Academic Institutions
- American University: $53,070
- Arizona State University: $2,878,305
- Ashbury University: $37,000
- Azusa Pacific University: $22,000
- Ball State University: $393,580
- Baylor University: $892,250
- Boston University: $344,200
- Bowling Green State University: $291,850
- Brown University: $625,000
- Cairn University: $60,000
- Carnegie Mellon University: $284,982
- Catholic University of America: $3,412,159
- Cedarville University: $7,500
- Chapman University: $290,300
- Christopher Newport University: $30,000
- Claremont Graduate University: $1,153,214
- Clemson University: $1,153,214
- Cleveland State University Foundation: $70,800
- College of Charleston: $21,300
- College of the Holy Cross: $20,000
- Columbia University: $1,530,540
- Concordia University-Wisconsin: $80,000
- Cornell University: $245,000
- Creighton University: $577,800
- Dartmouth College: $48,000
- DePaul University: $35,000
- Duke University: $210,202
- Eastern Florida State College: $5,000
- Eastern Oregon University: $33,000
- Emporia State University: $313,000
- Ferris State University: $22,000
- Florida Atlantic University: $174,559
- Florida International University: $174,559
- Florida Southern College: $76,000
- Florida State University: $351,400
- Georgetown University: $1,255,000
- George Fox University: $23,000
- George Mason University: $16,277,945
- George Washington University: $575,482
- Georgia State University Research Foundation: $146,700
- Georgia Tech: $846,000
- Grove City College: $104,500
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $18,000
- Hampden-Sydney College: $35,000
- Harvard University: $982,243
- Hawaii Pacific University: $150,000
- Hillsdale College: $6,504
- Indiana University: $953,434
- Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University: $630,490
- Iowa State University: $307,372
- John Brown University: $37,250
- Kansas State University: $230,000
- Kennesaw State University: $654,000
- Kent State University: $54,276
- La Sierra University: $19,000
- Lake Forest College: $18,125
- Landmark College: $50,000
- Lee University: $24,715
- Lindenwood University: $150,000
- Louisiana State University: $752,175
- Loyola University-New Orleans: $17,200
- Marian University: $425,000
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $410,540
- McGill University: $190,900
- Miami University: $141,000
- Middle Tennessee State University Foundation: $1,006,000
- Montana State University-Bozeman: $634,065
- New York University: $2,823,617
- North Carolina State University: $196,500
- North Dakota State University Foundation: $366,000
- North Park University: $21,000
- Northwestern University: $672,000
- Northwood University: $23,505
- Ohio State University: $64,000
- Oklahoma State University: $59,240
- Ottawa University: $100,000
- Purdue University: $2,282,500
- Regent University: $10,000
- Research Foundation of the State University of New York: $46,443
- Rice University: $3,120,000
- Roanoke College: $16,000
- Rutgers The State University of New Jersey: $112,562
- Saint Vincent College: $10,000
- Samford University: $25,500
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $518,000
- Santa Clara University: $34,200
- Southern Illinois University: $14,775
- Southern Methodist University: $1,903,783
- Southwest Baptist University: $13,600
- St. Anselm College: $155,000
- St. Francis University: $305,000
- Stanford University: $942,843
- Stephen F. Austin State University: $6,000
- Stevens Institute of Technology: $233,000
- Syracuse University: $439,992
- Tennessee Technical University: $8,800
- Texas A&M University: $1,005,000
- Texas Tech University: $1,750
- Troy University Foundation: $100,000
- Tufts University: $792,862
- UNC School of Government Foundation: $147,000
- United States Air Force Academy: $54,700
- University of Arizona: $255,687
- University of Birmingham: $32,500
- University of California-Berkeley: $153,906
- University of California-Los Angeles: $35,600
- University of California-San Diego: $664,000
- University of Central Arkansas: $663,414
- University of Central Florida: $92,500
- University of Chicago: $765,667
- University of Cincinnati: $50,000
- University of Colorado: $614,500
- University of Colorado-Colorado Springs: $444,500
- University of Florida: $800,000
- University of Georgia: $25,000
- University of Hong Kong: $40,000
- University of Louisville: $7,357
- University of Manchester: $8,000
- University of Maryland College Park: $1,577,710
- University of Minnesota: $289,204
- University of Nebraska: $134,100
- University of Nevada-Las Vegas: $477,800
- University of New Haven: $22,600
- University of New Orleans: $462,278
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: $1,521,198
- University of Notre Dame: $3,350,979
- University of Pennsylvania: $231,000
- University of Pittsburgh: $85,000
- University of Rochester: $22,600
- University of San Diego: $87,750
- University of Southern California: $230,000
- University of Surrey: $18,267
- University of Texas-Austin: $1,000,000
- University of Texas-Dallas: $50,000
- University of Texas-El Paso: $56,000
- University of Utah: $1,742,013
- University of Vermont: $50,000
- University of Virginia Law School: $123,973
- University of Washington: $125,000
- University of Wisconsin: $735,844
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: $193,032
- University of Wyoming: $269,949
- Utah State University: $2,500,000
- Vanderbilt University: $50,000
- Villanova University: $670,000
- Virginia Tech: $338,394
- Washington College: $33,400
- West Texas A&M University: $12,600
- West Virginia University: $437,992
- Western Carolina University: $268,600
- Western Governors University: $1,500,000
- Wichita State University: $865,000
- Xavier University: $100,000
- Yale University: $149,000
2019 [21]
- American University: $230,362
- Arizona State University: $3,212,641
- Asbury University: $30,000
- Ave Maria University: $22,643
- Azusa Pacific University: $25,000
- Baylor University: $898,550
- Benedictine College: $16,000
- Bethel College: $12,000
- Birmingham Southern College: $8,500
- Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University: $653,917
- Boise State University Foundation: $10,000
- Boston College: $12,000
- Boston University: $447,350
- Bowling Green State University: $475,000
- Bridgewater State University: $11,900
- Brigham Young University: $15,500
- Brown University: $730,000
- Bryan College: $30,300
- Cairn University: $89,250
- Carleton University: $11,500
- Carnegie Mellon University: $214,700
- Carroll College: $18,000
- Case Western Reserve University: $200,000
- Catholic University of America: $8,000
- Cedarville University: $21,000
- Chapman University: $449,670
- Christopher Newport University: $183,000
- Claremont Graduate University: $1,477,214
- Claremont McKenna College: $13,000
- Clemson University: $981,966
- College of Charleston: $25,000
- College of New Jersey: $25,000
- College of the Holy Cross: $87,000
- College of the Sequoias: $6,000
- College of William and Mary: $7,000
- Columbia University: $650,000
- Cornell University: $747,515
- Creighton University: $743,927
- Dakota Wesleyan University: $83,333
- Dallas Baptist University: $4,000
- Dartmouth College: $66,000
- Duke University: $1,554,415
- Eastern Florida State College: $5,000
- Faulkner University: $29,500
- Ferris State University: $29,500
- Florida Atlantic University: $47,000
- Florida International University: $32,000
- Florida Southern College: $76,000
- Florida State University: $4,518,000
- Fordham University: $40,538
- Friends of University of Surrey: $23,5000
- George Fox University: $26,347
- George Mason University: $17,608,073
- George Washington University: $795,336
- Georgetown University: $1,036,000
- George Tech Foundation: $255,000
- Grove City College: $55,000
- Hampden-Sydney College: $25,000
- Harvard University: $566,900
- Hillsdale College: $55,000
- Hope College: $109,000
- Houston Baptist University: $100,000
- Indiana State University: $12,200
- Indiana University: $1,171,903
- Iowa State University: $939,966
- James Madison University: $939,966
- John Brown University: $118,500
- Johns Hopkins University: $728,450
- Kansas State University: $605,000
- Kennesaw State University: $303,000
- Kings College London: $15,000
- Lake Forest College: $24,000
- Landmark College: $32,000
- Lee University: $26,000
- Lindenwood University: $625,725
- Lock Haven University: $13,000
- Loras College: $50,000
- Louisiana State University: $1,016,560
- Malone University: $7,000
- Marian University: $425,000
- Marshall-Wythe School of Law: $50,000
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $472,900
- McGill University: $182,670
- Metropolitan State University Denver Foundation: $10,000
- Mississippi State University: $80,500
- Montana State University-Bozeman: $1,642,250
- Murray State University: $10,000
- New York University: $3,017,956
- New York University School of Law: $77,000
- North Carolina State University: $235,250
- North Dakota State University: $2,436,000
- North Park University: $35,000
- Northern Kentucky University: $34,000
- Northern State University: $12,700
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University: $12,000
- Northwestern University: $699,136
- Oakland University: $42,000
- Ohio State University: $229,531
- Oklahoma State University: $10,000
- Ottawa University: $106,700
- Pace University: $4,000
- Pennsylvania State University: $74,500
- President and Fellows of Harvard College: $132,600
- Providence College: $13,000
- Purdue University: $1,033,000
- Radford University: $10,000
- Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia: $15,000
- Regent University: $19,000
- Regents of the University of Colorado: $7,600
- Regents of the University of Minnesota: $26,500
- Rice University: $3,00,500
- Roanoke College: $10,000
- Rockford University: $20,400
- Rutgers the State University of New Jersey: $34,498
- Saint Francis University: $447,800
- Salisbury University Foundation: $15,000
- Samford University: $46,000
- Santa Clara University: $22,000
- Southeast Missouri State University: $28,000
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $7,915
- Southern Methodist University: $13,520
- Southwest Baptist University: $13,520
- St. Anselm College: $125,000
- St. John's University: $141,438
- Stanford University: $464,500
- Stephen F. Austin State University: $7,000
- Stout University: $187,518
- Susquehanna University: $12,000
- Syracuse University: $425,100
- Texas A&M University: $2,335,160
- Texas Tech University: $25,000
- The Corporation of Mercer University: $130,000
- The Curators of the University of Missouri: $18,000
- The King's College: $323,000
- The Ohio State University: $908,770
- The Regents of the University of California: $45,000
- The University Foundation at Sacramento State: $5,000
- Troy University: $200,000
- Truman State University: $10,000
- Trustees of Columbia University: $280,000
- Trustees of Indiana University: $18,000
- Trustees of Tufts College: $882,467
- UC Regents: $10,000
- UNC School of Government: $200,000
- University of Arizona: $962,000
- University of Arkansas: $3,000
- University of California: $941,335
- University of California, Irvine: $5,000
- University of Central Arkansas: $562,500
- University of Central Florida: $18,319
- University of Chicago: $1,103,913
- University of Cincinnati: $14,800
- University of Colorado-Colorado Springs: $72,500
- University of Colorado: $72,000
- University of Dallas: $545,500
- University of Delaware: $93,000
- University of Florida: $1,379,625
- University of Georgia: $42,250
- University of Hong Kong: $45,000
- University of Kentucky: $986,365
- University of Kentucky Research Foundation: $50,100
- University of Louisville: $211,675
- University of Louisville Research Foundation: $15,000
- University of Maryland College Park Foundation: $648,506
- University of Michigan: $233,000
- University of Nebraska-Omaha: $43,000
- University of Nebraska: $250,000
- University of New Haven: $20,000
- University of New Mexico: $5,000
- University of New Orleans: $221,222
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: $1,106,500
- University of North Carolina-Pembroke: $10,000
- University of Notre Dame: $1,115,641
- University of Oxford: $5,000
- University of Pennsylvania: $772,000
- University of Pittsburg: $1,120,000
- University of Rhode Island: $3,100
- University of San Diego: $87,500
- University of San Francisco: $21,322
- University of South Alabama: $4,500
- University of Southern California: $841,725
- University of Tampa: $23,000
- University of Tennessee-Knoxville: $24,500
- University of Texas-Austin: $5,00
- University of Texas-Dallas: $100,000
- University of Texas-San Antonio: $99,000
- University of Tulsa: $50,000
- University of Utah: $953,000
- University of Virginia: $11,500
- University of Virginia Law School: $148,157
- University of Washington: $10,000
- University of Wisconsin: $1,018,500
- University of Wyoming: $249,949
- Utah State University: $2,500,000
- Vanderbilt University: $679,933
- Villanova University: $948,000
- Virginia Tech: $476,042
- Wake Forest University: $434,100
- Wellesley College: $250,000
- Wesleyan College: $7,500
- West Texas A&M University: $268,000
- Western Carolina University: $376,306
- Western Kentucky University: $27,600
- Western Michigan University: $167,200
- Wichita State University: $244,400
- Xavier University: $79,000
- Yale University: $79,000
The total grants in 2018 to universities and colleges was $84.4 million.[23] All grants are for "general operating support" unless otherwise noted:
- American University: $384,444
- Americans for Oxford: $49,901
- Anderson University: $8,100
- ANU Foundation USA: $43,263
- Arkansas State University Foundation: $7,000
- Arkansas Tech University: $3,100
- Arizona State University: $2,244,660
- Ashbrook Center at Ashland University: $85,000
- Ashbury University: $7,300
- Augustana College: $50,000
- Ave Maria University: $22,643
- Azusa Pacific University: $43,835
- Ball State University: $295,400
- Barton College: $6,930
- Baylor University: $865,000
- Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago: $346,439
- Berry College: $14,000
- Bethel College: $17,300
- Bethlehem College & Seminary: $4,000
- Biola University: $42,824
- Birmingham Southern College: $8,500
- Board of Trustees of Illinois State University: $7,000
- Boise State University Foundation: $36,050
- Boston College: $27,000
- Boston University: $804,000
- Brescia University: $5,000
- Brigham Young University: $143,500
- Brown University: $1,469,886
- Bryan College: $32,200
- Cairn University: $89,250
- California State University: $15,000
- Calvin Coolidge University: $125,000
- Carleton University: $11,500
- Carthage College: $8,400
- Case Western University: $22,000
- Catholic University: $2,377,500
- Cedarville University: $16,839
- Chapman University: $25,000
- Claremont Graduate University: $50,760
- Claremont Mckenna College: $70,000
- Claflin University: $12,100
- Clarkson University: $28,500
- Clemson University: $112,160
- Cleveland State University: $52,000
- Coastal Carolina University: $10,000
- Coastal Educational Foundation: $6,000
- College of Charleston Foundation: $45,885
- College of New Jersey Foundation: $19,800
- College of the Sequoias Foundation: $6,000
- College of William and Mary: $65,000
- Columbia College: $5,000
- Columbia University: $812,835
- Cornell University: $336,300
- Creighton University: $829,610
- Curators of the University of Missouri: $10,000
- Dallas Baptist University: $8,000
- Duke University: $2,126,930
- Eastern Florida State University: $7,000
- Eastern University: $119,500
- East Tennessee State University: $15,750
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: $8,000
- Emory University: $54,900
- Emporia State University Foundation: $22,000
- Faulkner University: $31,500
- Ferris State University: $94,500
- Fisk University: $10,000
- Florida Southern College: $198,000
- Florida State University: $3,064,450
- Florida International University Foundation: $82,690
- Friends of Universidad Francisco Foundation: $20,000
- George Fox University: $25,040
- George Mason University: $16,220,400
- Georgetown University: $1,247,000
- George Washington University: $546,840
- Georgia State University Foundation: $165,980
- Grove City College: $56,000
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $14,000
- Hampden-Sydney College: $55,900
- Harvard University: $2,028,792
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem: $90,000
- Hillsdale College: $89,660
- Hope College: $345,000
- Houston Baptist University: $100,000
- Huntingdon College: $1,000
- Illinois State University: $162,000
- Indiana University: $975,454
- Iowa State University: $108,570
- John Brown University: $50,000
- John Hopkins University: $556,000
- John Paul the Great Catholic University: $40,000
- Kennesaw State University Foundation: $250,000
- Kenyon College: $35,000
- Kings College: $400,800
- Kings College London: $45,000
- Lake Erie College: $15,100
- Lake Forest College: $24,000
- Lee University: $16,000
- Lindenwood University: $695,725
- Lock Haven University: $13,000
- Long Island University: $29,300
- Loyola University-New Orleans: $64,400
- LSU Foundation: $526,900
- Malone University: $11,050
- Manhattanville College: $28,000
- Marian University: $425,000
- Marquette University: $294,832
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $490,000
- Mcgill University: $233,380
- Mckendree University: $13,230
- Mcmurry University: $18,500
- Medgar Evers College: $10,000
- Mercer University: $21,140
- Metropolitan State Univesity Denver Foundation: $22,000
- Michigan State University: $23,612
- Middle Tennessee State University Foundation: $601,626
- Millikin University: $18,500
- Mississippi College: $11,475
- Mississippi State University Foundation: $45,000
- Montana State University: $1,511,553
- Morehouse School of Medicine: $68,000
- Mount Holyoke College: $6,230
- Murray State University: $20,795
- New York University: $1,549,530
- North Carolina State University: $147,000
- North Dakota State University: $562,361
- Northeastern University: $23,000
- Northern Illinois University: $26,700
- Northern Kentucky University Foundation: $10,000
- Northern Michigan University: $18,480
- Northern State University Foundation: $5,000
- North Park University: $45,000
- Northwestern University: $285,000
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University Foundation: $12,000
- Northwest Nazarene University: $2,500
- Northwood University: $16,200
- Notre Dame College: $6,500
- Oakland University: $42,000
- Ohio Christian University: $5,500
- Ohio State University Foundation: $194,000
- Ohio University Foundation: $43,000
- Oklahoma State University Foundation: $340,000
- Patrick Henry College: $20,000
- Pennsylvania State University: $5,000
- Pepperdine University: $9,000
- President and Fellows of Harvard College: $55,000
- Princeton University: $15,650
- Providence College: $8,700
- Purdue University: $2,413,000
- Radford University: $8,500
- Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia: $120,000
- Regents of the University of California Los Angeles: $51,350
- Regents of the University of Minnesota: $43,200
- Regent University: $94,000
- Research Foundation for the State of New York: $111,000
- Rice University: $2,205,000
- Roanoke College: $28,600
- Rochester Institute of Technology: $35,000
- Rockford University: $20,400
- Rutgers the State University of New Jersey: $63,892
- Rutgers University Foundation: $23,500
- Salisbury University Foundation: $25,000
- Saint Francis University: $150,400
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $445,000
- Sarah Lawrence College: $14,000
- Seton Hall University: $117,000
- Shawnee State University Development Foundation: $16,000
- Southeast Missouri State University: $44,645
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $26,000
- Southern Methodist University: $520,500
- Southern University at New Orleans Foundation: $9,900
- Southern University Law Center: $21,700
- Southwest Baptist University: $5,400
- Stanford Law School: $343,000
- Stanford University: $385,400
- State University of New York: $27,000
- St. Edwards University: $19,000
- Stephen F Austin State University: $20,640
- St. John's University: $15,300
- St. Lawrence University: $6,000
- St. Marys College of Maryland: $14,500
- St. Mary's University: $7,400
- Stout University Foundation: $425,000
- St. Vincent College: $140,500
- Susquehanna University: $11,700
- Syracuse University: $427,600
- Texas A&M University: $1,211,400
- Texas Christian University: $8,950
- Texas Tech University Foundation: $29,000
- Thurgood Marshall College Fund: $2,682,750
- Trinity College: $15,000
- Truman State University: $14,000
- Trustees of Columbia University: $53,914
- Trustees of Dartmouth College: $192,000
- Trustees of Princeton University: $1,150
- Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania: $595,000
- Trustees of Tufts College: $741,000
- Tulane University: $25,300
- UCLA Foundation: $25,000
- UC Regents: $152,000
- UNC School of Government Foundation: $41,285
- United States Military Academy: $25,000
- University Foundation at Sacramento State: $12,665
- University Foundation of CSU Chico: $8,000
- University of Alabama: $27,000
- University of Alaska-Fairbanks: $12,340
- University of Arizona: $365,500
- University of Arkansas-Little Rock: $19,440
- University of British Columbia: $2,500
- University of California-Berkeley Foundation: $13,000
- University of California-Irvine: $450,000
- University of California-Los Angeles: $10,000
- University of California-San Diego: $364,939
- University of Central Arkansas: $7,300
- University of Chicago: $781,334
- University of Cincinnati: $38,500
- University of Colorado Boulder: $1,181,000
- University of Dallas: $563,500
- University of Georgia Foundation: $120,665
- University of Illinois: $2,500
- University of Louisville: $718,073
- University of Mary: $15,200
- University of Mary Hardin-Baylor: $5,000
- University of Maryland: $859,022
- University of Michigan: $33,989
- University of Minnesota Foundation: $20,000
- University of Missouri: $8,000
- University of Nebraska Foundation: $9,250
- University of New Hampshire: $172,200
- University of New Mexico: $6,500
- University of New Orleans Foundation: $35,000
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: $799,000
- University of North Carolina-Pembroke: $22,000
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington: $13,000
- University of North Texas: $10,250
- University of Notre Dame: $806,270
- University of Oxford: $5,000
- University of Pennsylvania: $796,500
- University of Rhode Island: $3,100
- University of Rochester: $24,500
- University of Saint Katherine: $16,000
- University of San Francisco: $21,322
- University of South Alabama: $26,157
- University of Southern California: $773,500
- University of Surrey: $23,500
- University of Tennessee: $20,100
- University of Texas-Austin: $148,260
- University of Texas-Dallas: $465,000
- University of Texas-San Antonio: $23,000
- University of Tulsa: $60,000
- University of Vienna: $182,000
- University of Virginia: $448,164
- University of Washington: $5,000
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: $1,234,942
- UNLV Foundation: $398,300
- Ursinus College: $51,000
- USAFA Endowment: $50,000
- Utah State University: $3,885,000
- Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology: $11,000
- Villanova University: $818,327
- Virginia Tech: $330,000
- Wake Forest University: $1,090,500
- Wake Technical Community College: $4,900
- Walsh University: $8,000
- Washington College: $55,000
- Waynesburg University: $10,500
- Webber International University: $5,100
- Wellesley College: $250,000
- Wesleyan College: $9,000
- Western Carolina University Foundation: $254,648
- Western Carolina University (Public Choice Society): $19,000
- Western Kentuckey University: $26,000
- Western Michigan University: $15,100
- West Texas A&M University: $9,200
- West Virginia University: $339,410
- Wheaton College: $14,500
- Wiley College: $63,500
- Wingate University: $25,000
- Wyoming Catholic College: $11,500
- Yale University: $202,000
All for "general operating support" unless otherwise noted:
- Academy of Art University Foundation: $5,800
- Adrian College: $3,250
- Alabama Agricultural And Mechanical University: $10,000
- American University: $274,000
- Anderson University: $5,000
- Appalachian State University Foundation, Inc.: $500
- Aquinas College: $2000
- Arizona Christian University: $10000
- Arizona State University Foundation: $312,400
- Asbury University: $10,000
- Ashbrook Center At Ashland University: $35,000
- Asu Foundation For A New American University: $42,000
- Austin Peay State University: $1,000
- Azusa Pacific University: $25,200
- Ball State University: $47,000
- Ball State University Foundation: $217,000
- Barton College: $3,500
- Baylor University: $1,104,550
- Becker Friedman Institute At The University Of Chicago: $501,090
- Bethlehem College & Seminary: $4,000
- Biola University: $35,000
- Birmingham Southern College: $8,500
- Boise State University Foundation: $7,500
- Boston College: $5,000
- Bowling Green State University: $86,900
- Brescia University: $5,000
- Brigham Young University: $162,600
- Brown University: $74,500
- Bryan College: $23,500
- Cairn University: $40,300
- California State University - Fresno Foundation: $7,500
- Catholic University Of America: $552,500
- Cedarville University: $16,200
- Chapman University: $132,000
- Claremont Mckenna College: $50,000
- Clarkson University: $26,000
- Cleary University: $22,000
- Clemson University: $50,000
- Clemson University Foundation: $364,760
- Colgate University: $12,000
- Colorado Christian University: $7,000
- Concordia University - Irvine: $10,000
- Corban University: $18,000
- Cornell University: $160,000
- Creighton University: $198,063
- Dakota Wesleyan University: $11,500
- Dallas Baptist University: $1,600
- Dartmouth College: $58,500
- Duke University: $208,500
- East Carolina University: $9,750
- East Tennessee State University: $13,500
- Eastern University: $20,000
- Ecclesia College: $18,160
- Emporia State University Foundation: $21,000
- Ferris State University: $49,300
- Florida Atlantic University Foundation: $15,000
- Florida Southern College: $180,000
- Florida State University Foundation: $459,684
- Florida State University Research Foundation: $60,000
- Gannon University: $11,000
- George Fox University: $17,200
- George Mason University Foundation: $1,3468,800
- George Washington University: $132,035
- Georgetown University: $82,500
- Georgia College & State University Foundation, Inc: $28,000
- Georgia Gwinnett College Foundation: $24,791
- Georgia State University Research Foundation Inc: $30,200
- Grove City College: $46,500
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $20,000
- Hannibal-Lagrange University: $,6000
- Harvard University: $1,459,559
- President And Fellows Of Harvard College: $3,500
- High Point University: $3,700
- Hillsdale College: $48,200
- Hollins University: $2,500
- Hope College: $91,400
- Houston Baptist University: $100,000
- Huntingdon College: $1,600
- Illinois State University: $189,000
- Indiana University Foundation: $19,500
- Iowa State University Foundation: $781,000
- Jacksonville State University Foundation: $10,500
- John Paul The Great Catholic University: $14,000
- Johns Hopkins University: $53,000
- Kennesaw State University Foundation, Inc.: $33,000
- Kings College London: $10,000
- La Sierra University: $15,000
- Lafayette College: $40,000
- Lake Forest College: $19,500
- Lindenwood University: $644,000
- Lock Haven University Foundation: $10,800
- Loras College: $50,000
- Loyola University - New Orleans: $40,700
- Malone University: $8,900
- Manhattanville College: $36,900
- Marquette University: $108,870
- Mcgill University: $153,990
- Mcmurry University: $18,000
- Mercer University: $14,600
- Michigan State University: $25,000
- Mississippi College School Of Law: $12,100
- Mississippi State University Foundation: $188,000
- Mississippi Valley State University: $10,000
- Missouri State University: $3,000
- Montana State University - Bozeman: $1,070,232
- Morehouse College: $54,000
- Mount Holyoke College: $6,900
- Murray State University: $11,100
- Nd State University Fdn & Alumni Assoc: $160,000
- New York University: $535,000
- New York University School Of Law: $70,000
- North Carolina State University: $41,200
- North Park University: $45,000
- Northern Illinois University: $24,700
- Northwest Nazarene University: $9,500
- Northwestern University: $377,000
- Northwood University: $650
- Notre Dame College: $26,000
- Oakland University: $54,886
- Oglethorpe University: $,5000
- Ohio Christian University: $5,000
- Ohio Northern University: $14,500
- Ohio State University Foundation: $830,000
- Ohio University Foundation: $80,600
- Oklahoma State University Foundation: $37,500
- Patrick Henry College: $9,000
- Pembroke College: $1,000
- Pennsylvania State University - University Park: $13,200
- Portland State University Foundation: $13,319
- Princeton University: $12,000
- Purdue University: $87,021
- Radford University: $33,000
- Ramapo College Foundation: $13,000
- Rector and Visitors Of The University Of Virginia: $5,000
- Regents of The University Of California - San Diego: $15,000
- Regents of The University Of Colorado: $70,760
- Regents of The University Of Minnesota: $53,000
- Research Foundation For The State University Of Ne: $100,800
- Research Foundation Of Cuny - Brooklyn College: $12,500
- Rice University: $3,157,000
- Rider University: $44,270
- Roanoke College: $31,500
- Roanoke-Chowan Community College: $6,600
- Rockford University: $20,400
- Rogers State University Foundation: $15,500
- Rutgers University Foundation: $15,000
- Saint Francis University: $424,400
- Saint Louis University: $1,000
- Salisbury University Foundation: $16,000
- Sam Houston State University: $3,200
- Samford University: $55,100
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $49,000
- Sarah Lawrence College: $14,000
- Scripps College: $11,850
- Seton Hall University: $63,900
- Skidmore College: $4,800
- Southeast Missouri State University: $42,500
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $11,500
- Southern Methodist University: $897,800
- Southern New Hampshire University: $30,000
- Southern Virginia University: $1,400
- Southwest Baptist University: $5,000
- St Cloud State University: $10,000
- St Vincent College: $44,300
- St. John's University: $67,500
- St. Lawrence University: $23,100
- Stanford University: $77,000
- Stephen F. Austin State University: $21,140
- Stout University Foundation, Inc.: $425,000
- Susquehanna University: $15,000
- Syracuse University: $360,500
- Texas A&M University: $5,000
- Texas A&M University-Commerce: $4,500
- Texas Christian University: $3,800
- Texas Tech University - Foundation: $1,004,300
- The Corporation Of Mercer University: $28,000
- The Curators Of The University Of Missouri: $10,800
- The Kings College: $370,450
- The Ohio State University: $5,000
- The Regents Of The University Of California: $31,000
- The Regents Of The University Of California - Irvine: $725
- The Regents Of The University Of California - Sant: $5,000
- The Regents Of The University Of California, Santa: $161,000
- The Regents Of The University Of Michigan: $44000
- The Trustees Of Columbia University: $29,850
- The Trustees Of Princeton University: $79,000
- The University Foundation At Sacramento State: $21,500
- The University Of Connecticut: $1,000
- The University Of Massachusetts Amherst: $19,000
- The University Of Toledo: $44,000
- Thurgood Marshall College Fund: $6,627,250
- Towson University: $6,300
- Trinity College: $26,000
- Trinity University: $32,000
- Truman State University: $10,000
- Trustees Of Boston University: $350,000
- Trustees Of Columbia University: $7,000
- Trustees Of Indiana University: $22,530
- Trustees Of Tufts College: $503,000
- Ursinus College: $19,500
- Utah State University: $1,520,000
- Vanderbilt University: $101,000
- Villanova University: $255,000
- Wake Forest University: $1,029,000
- Washington University - St. Louis: $73,000
- Waynesburg University: $21,000
- Webber International University: $5,600
- Wellesley College: $250,000
- Wesleyan College: $9,000
- West Texas A&M University: $14,000
- West Virginia University Foundation: $553,162
- Western Carolina University Foundation: $106,100
- Western Kentucky University Research Foundation: $22,900
- Westmont College: $15,000
- Whitman College: $25,000
- Wiley College: $83,000
- Yale University: $80,618
- Argosy University- Twin Cities: $1,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Albany State University Foundations: $32,000 for "General Operating Support"
- American University: $15,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Anderson University: $14,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Ashland University: $31,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Augustana College: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Arizona State University Foundation: $800,450 for "General Operating Support"
- Arizona Foundation for a New American University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Ave Maria University: $19,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Azusa Pacific University: $24,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Ball State University: $239,250 for "General Operating Support"
- Baylor University: $398,830 for "General Operating Support"
- Baylor University: $95,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Barton College: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Belhaven University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Beloit College: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Bethel College: $5,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Bethlehem College & Seminary: $3,350 for "General Operating Support"
- Berry College: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Biola University: $26,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Boise State University Foundation: $4,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Boston College: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Bowling Green State University Foundation for "General Operating Support"
- Brooklyn Law School: $150,000
- Brown Unversity: $78,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Bryan College: $25,535 for "General Operating Support"
- California Luthern University: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- California State University: $7,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Catholic University of America: $2,172,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Carleton University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Cedarville University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Central Carolina Community College Foundation: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- City College Fund: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Chapman University: $225,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Charleston Southern University: $11,300 for "General Operating Support"
- Carthage College: $8,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Chestnut Hill College: $1,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Christendom College: $4,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Christopher Newport University: $43,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Claflin University: $12,400 for "General Operating Support"
- Clarkson University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Cleary University: $44,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Clemson University: $419,742 for "General Operating Support"
- Colgate University: $4,800 for "General Operating Support"
- College of Charleston Foundation: $403,508 for "General Operating Support"
- College of The Sequoias Foundation: $6,000 for "General Operating Support"
- College of The Holy Cross: $11,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Colorado Christian University: $59,900 for "General Operating Support"
- Columbia University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Corban University: $13,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Cornell University: $39,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Dakota Wesleyan University: $23,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Dartmouth College: $9,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Drury University: $14,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Duke University: $185,796 for "General Operating Support"
- East Carolina University: $5,200 for "General Operating Support"
- East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Eastern Florida State College: $11,950 for "General Operating Support"
- Ecclesia College: $6,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Emory University: $1,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Jacksonville State University Foundation: $10,200 for "General Operating Support"
- Jacksonville University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- John Jay College Foundation: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Research Foundation of CUNY (O/B/O) John Jay College: $56,900 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida Atlantic University Foundation: $32,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida State University: $125,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida State University Foundation: $819,136 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida State University Research Foundation: $60,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida Southern College: $200,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Fort Hays State University Foundation: $4,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Gannon University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgia College and State University: $6,883 for "General Operating Support"
- George Fox University: $37,290 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $13,399,270 for "GOS/Return of Partially Unused Funds"
- George Mason University Law School: $10 million. This contribution came at the same time as a $20 million anonymous donation that was contingent on the school being renamed the Antonin Scalia School of Law.[26]
- George Washington University: $322,035 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgia Tech Foundation: $70,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgetown University: $545,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Greenlee School of Journalism and Communications: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgia State University Research Foundation Inc: $176,070 for "General Operating Support"
- Grove City College: $56,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $3,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Hampden- Sydney College: $28,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Harvard University: $610,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Hillsdale College: 70,200 for "General Operating Support"
- Hope College: $50,770 for "General Operating Support"
- Hope College: $17,100 for "General Operating Support"
- Houston Baptist University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Illinois State University: $226,100 for "General Operating Support"
- Indiana University: $239,925 for "GOS/Return Partially Unused Funds"
- Indiana University Foundation: $23,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Iowa State University: $81,463 for "General Operating Support"
- Johns Hopkins University: $31,900 for "General Operating Support"
- Kenyon College: $23,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Kings College- London: $16,200 for "General Operating Support"
- Kings College- London: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- La Sierra University: $14,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Lagrange College: $1,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Lake Erie College: $6,900 for "General Operating Support"
- Lee University: $10,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Lake Forest College: $19,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Less University: $10,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Lindenwood University: $565,400 for "General Operating Support"
- Lock Haven University Foundation: $10,190 for "General Operating Support"
- Long Island University: $47,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Loyola University- New Orleans: $48,000 for "General Operating Support"
- LSU (Louisiana State University) Foundation: $97,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Malone University: $11,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Marshall University Foundation: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Massachuttes Institute of Technology: $104,207 for "General Operating Support"
- McGill University: $107,600 for "General Operating Support"
- McKendree University: $14,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Middle Tennesee State University Foundation: $446,550 for "General Operating Support"
- Millikin University: $19,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Montana State University- Bozeman: $793,380 for "General Operating Support"
- Montclair State University: $15,450 for "General Operating Support"
- Mount Holyoke College: $6,100 for "General Operating Support"
- Murray State University: $9,266 for "General Operating Support"
- New York University School of Law: $92,000 for "General Operating Support"
- New York University: $488,400 for "General Operating Support"
- New York University: $20,000 for "General Operating Support"
- North Carolina State University: $53,664 for "GOS/Return of Partially Unused Funds"
- North Carolina State University: $11,200 for "GOS/Return of Partially Unused Funds"
- North Dakota State University: $367,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Northern Illinois University: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- North Park University: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University: $22,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Notre Dame College: $6,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Northwestern University: $73,068 for "General Operating Support"
- Northwest Nazarene University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Northwood University- Michigan: $24,550 for "General Operating Support"
- Ohio University Foundation: $117,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Ohio State University and Foundation: $288,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Oklahoma State University Foundation: $68,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Patrick Henry College: $5,300 for "General Operating Support"
- Pennsylvania State University Park: $67,740 for "General Operating Support"
- Pepperdine University: $66,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Princeton University: $3,600 for "General Operating Support"
- President and Fellows of Harvard College: $162,540 for "General Operating Support"
- Purdue University: $530,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Presbyterian College: $3,400 for "General Operating Support"
- Radford University: $7,352 for "General Operating Support"
- Ramapo College Foundation: $27,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Regents of The University of Minnesota: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Regent University: $74,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Roanoke College: $4,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Robert Morris University: $3,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Rogers State University: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Rochester Institute of Technology: $41,700 for "General Operating Support"
- Rockford University: $1,400 for "General Operating Support"
- Rutgers The State University of New Jersey: $100,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Salisbury University: $36,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Saint Katherine College: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Saint Francis University: $428,200 for "General Operating Support"
- Samford University: $42,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Sam Houston State University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $1,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Sarah Lawrence College: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Seton Hall University: $12,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Stanford Law School: $90,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Stanford University: $166,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Stephen F. Austin State University: $19,500 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Edwards University: $11,150 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Johns University: $59,643 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Mary's College of Maryland: $14,500 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Vincent College: $58,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Southeast Missouri State University: $18,171 for "General Operating Support"
- Southern Illinois University- Carbondale: $11,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $24,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Susquehanna University: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- SUNY Purchase Research Foundation: $38,390 for "General Operating Support
- Southern Methodist University: $107,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Southern University at New Orleans Foundation: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Syracuse University: $403,508 for "General Operating Support"
- Texas A&M University: $537,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Texas Tech University- Foundation: $3,364,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Texas Tech University- Foundation: $4,300 for "General Operating Support"
- The Board of Trustees of The University of Illinois: $1,335 for "General Operating Support"
- The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Curators of The University of Missouri: $11,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Corporation of Mercer University: $19,400 for "General Operating Support"
- The College of New Jersey: $26,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Kings College: $31,800 for "General Operating Support"
- The Regents of The University of Michigan: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Texas A&M University Foundation: $100,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Trustees of Princeton University: $70,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The UCLA Foundation: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Truman State University: $13,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Trustees of Trinity College: $13,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania: $540,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Towson University: $3,200 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Alaska- Anchorage: $15,700 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Alaska- Fairbanks: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa: $31,116 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Arizona Foundation: $103,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Arizona:$11,330 for "General Operating Support"
- University of California- Berkeley: $63,200 for "General Operating Support"
- University of California- Los Angeles: $158,534 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Central Arkansas Foundation: $16,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Chicago: $156,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Colorado- Boulder: $262,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Colorado- Colorado Springs: $310,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Colorado Foundation: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Georgia: $10,700 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Georgia Foundation: $30,088 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Hong Kong: $55,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Houston: $12,800 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Kentucky: $453,485 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Kentucky Research Foundation: $19,657 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Liechtenstein: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Idaho Foundation: $74,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Mary Hardin-Baylor: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Maryland- Baltimore County: $39,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Manchester: $1,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Miami: $1,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Maine- Orono: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Massachusetts Amherst: $8,1000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Maryland: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Maryland College Park Foundation: $353,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Michigan: $106,315 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Minnesota: $32,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Missouri- Columbia: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Missouri- St. Louis: $30,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Nebraska- Omaha: $40,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of New Hampshire: $233,040 for "General Operating Support"
- University of New Orleans Foundation: $119,350 for "General Operating Support"
- University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill: $7,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of North Carolina- Greensboro: $262,288 for "General Operating Support"
- University of North Carolina- Pembroke: $31,900 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Notre Dame: $876,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Richmond: $17,400 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Rochester: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of San Francisco: $14,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of South Alabama: $22,899 for "General Operating Support"
- University of South Dakota: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Tampa: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Tennessee- Chattanooga for "General Operating Support"
- University of Tennessee- Knoxville: $6,600 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- Arlington: $4,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- Austin: $114,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- Dallas: $47,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- San Antonio: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Tulsa: $35,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Virginia's College at Wise Foundation: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Washington: $5,700 for "General Operating Support"
- University of West Georgia Foundation: $20,00 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $692,360 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Wisconsin- La Crosse: $200,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Utah State University: $288,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Virginia: $184,087 for "General Operating Support"
- Virginia Military Institute Foundation: $26,300 for "General Operating Support"
- Wake Forest University: $316,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Wake Techincal Community College: $12,250 for "General Operating Support"
- Washington College: $62,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Waynesburg University: $9,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Webber International University: $6,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Wellesley College: $250,000 for "General Operating Support
- Weslyan College: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Western Carolina University: $378,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Western Kentucky University Research Foundation: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Western Michigan University: $14,193 for "General Operating Support
- West Texas A&M University: $14,000 for "General Operating Support"
- West Virginia University: $462,373 for "General Operating Support"
- Wright State University Foundation: $6,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Vanderbilt University: $65,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Villanova University: $676,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Virginia Tech: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- American University: $15,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Andrew College: $3,300 for "General Operating Support"
- Appalachian State University: $2,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Arizona State University Foundation: $917,227 for "General Operating Support"
- ASU Foundation for A New American University: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Azusa Pacific University: $18,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Baldwin-Wallace University: $4,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Ball State University: $20,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Barton College: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Baylor University: $235,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Baylor University: $5,000 for "General Operation Support"
- Beloit College: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Berry College: $8,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Bethel College: $8,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Biola University: $36,760 for "General Operating Support"
- Boise State University Foundation: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Boston College: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Bowling Green State University: $2,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Brigham Young University: $2,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Brooklyn Law School: $150,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Brown University: $377,674 for "General Operating Support"
- Bryan College: $4,800 for "General Operating Support"
- California State University-Chico: $2,832 for "General Operating Support"
- University Foundation of CSU: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- California State University-Fresno Foundation: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Carroll College: $9,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Catholic University of America: $212,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Cedarville University: $23,5000 for "General Operating Support"
- Central Caroline Community College Foundation: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Chapman University: $45,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Chapman University: $29,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Charleston Southern University: $9,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Chestnut Hill College: $3,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Cristopher Newport University: $22,000 for "General Operating Support"
- City College Fund: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Claremont Graduate University: $75,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Claremont Mckenna College: $27,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Cleary University: $22,000 for ""General Operating Support"
- Clemson University: $234,940 for "General Operating Support"
- College of Charleston Foundation: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- College of Saint Rose: $3,150 for "General Operating Support"
- College of the Sequoias Foundation: $6,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Columbia University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Concordia University Wisconsin: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Corban University: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Cornell Law School: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Cornell University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Creighton University: $294,000 for "General Operating Support"
- East Carolina University: $11,113 for "General Operating Support"
- Eastern Florida State College: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Emory University: $11,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida Atlantic University Foundation: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $27,900 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida State University: $4,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Florida State University Foundation: $42,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Gannon University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- George Fox University: $11,300 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University: $417,335 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $13,269,401 for "General Operating Support"
- George Washington University: $4,116 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgetown University: $657,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgia College and State University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgia Gwinnett College Foundation: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Georgia State University Foundation: $50,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication: $5,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Grove City College: $48,075 for "General Operating Support"
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $6,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $3,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $30,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Harvard University: $115,000 for "General Operating Support"
- President and Fellows of Harvard College: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- High Point University: $3,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Hillsdale College: $39,140 for "General Operating Support"
- Hollins University: $2,100 for "General Operating Support"
- Hope College: $31,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Houghton College: $19,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Houston Baptist University: $7,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Illinois State University: $45,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support
- Indiana University: $215,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Indiana University Foundation: $16,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Indiana University Foundation: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Iowa State University: $1,652 for "General Operating Support"
- Jacksonville State University Foundation: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Jacksonville University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- James Sprunt Community College: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Johns Hopkins University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Johnson and Wales University- Charlotte: $170,000 for ""General Operating Support"
- Judson University: $8,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Kennesaw State University Founfation, Inc: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Kenyon College: $15,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Kings College: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- La Sierra University: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Lake Forest College: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Lakeland College: $3,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Lee University: $7,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Lindenwood University: $197,100 for "General Operating Support"
- Long Island University: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Loyola University- New Orleans: $24,000 "General Operating Support"
- LSU (Lousiana State University) Foundation: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Malone University: $10,480 for "General Operating Support"
- Manhattanville College: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $11,000 for "General Operating Support"
- McGill University: $126,400 for "General Operating Support"
- McKendree University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Mercer University: $3,024 for "General Operating Support"
- Methodist University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Metropolitan State University Denver Foundation: 20,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Michigan State University: $24,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Middle Tennesse State University: $9,000 "General Operating Support"
- Millikin University: $13,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Mississippi State University: $177,335 for "General Operating Support"
- Mount Holyoke college: $6,055 for "General Operating Support"
- Murray State University: $12,000 for "General Operating Support"
- New York University: $95,000 for "General Operating Support"
- North Carolina State University: $13,031 "General Operating Support"
- North Park University: $20,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Nothern Illinois University: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Northwestern Oklahoma University Foundation: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Notre Dame College: $23,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Oglethorpe University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Ohio Christian University: $6,300 for "General Operating Support"
- Ohio University Foundation: $ 60,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Oklahoma State University Foundation for "General Operating Support"
- Patrick Henry College: $19,400 for "General Operating Support"
- Presbyterian College: $6,5000 for "General Operating Support"
- Providence College: $867 for "General Operating Support"
- Purdue University: $46,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Purdue Research Foundation: $624,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Radford University: $46,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Ramapo College Foundation: $11,300 for "General Operating Support"
- Regent University: $25,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Rogers State University Foundation: $6,5000 for "General Operating Support"
- Rutgers The State University of New Jersey: $4,074 for "General Operating Support"
- Saint Francis University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Samford University: $15,00 for "General Operating Support"
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $66,500 for "General Operating Support"
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $1,000 for "General Operating Support"
- San Jose University Research Foundation: $54,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Sarah Lawrence College: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Seattle Pacific University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Shasta College Foundation: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Southern Illinois University- Carbondale: $50,979 for "General Operating Support"
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois State University: $9,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Bonaventure University: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Cloud State University Foundation: $8,000 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Johns University University: $39,000 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Vincent College: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Ambrose University: $9,000 for "General Operating Support"
- St. Edwards University: $16,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Stanford University: $75,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Stephen Austin State University: $15,049 for "General Operating Support"
- Stonehill College: $2,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Suffolk University: $9,00 for "General Operating Support"
- Susquehanna University: $8,700 for "General Operating Support"
- Texas A&M University: $35,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Texas State University-San Marcus: $1,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Texas Tech University- Foundation: $2,034,500 for "General Operating Support"
- The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Citadel Foundation: $1,500 for "General Operating Support"
- The College of New Jersey: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- The Kings College: $18,670 for "General Operating Support"
- The Trustees of Princeton University: $60,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Towson University Foundation: $6,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Trinity College: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Tuskegee University: $535 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Arizona Foundation: $116,600 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Arizona Foundation: $14,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of California- Irvine: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Chicago: $455,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Dayton: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Georgia: $11,800 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Georgia Foundation: $106,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Houston: $17,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Kentucky: $28,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Manchester: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Mary: $2,400 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Mary Hardin-Baylor: $6,000
- University of Maryland- Baltimore College: $2,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Maryland College Park: $58,383 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Michigan: $74,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Minnesota- Duluth: $14,600 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Missouri- Columbia: $11,118 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Nebraska- Omaha: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of New Haven: $11,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of New Orleans Foundation: $26,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of North Carolina: $26,500 for "General Operating Support"
- University of North Texas: $4,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Notre Dame: $120,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Notre Dame: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Pennsylvania: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Trustees of The Univesity: $540,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Pittsburg: $1,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Trustees University of Pennsylvania: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Richmond: $17,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of San Diego: $23,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of South Alabama: $6,995 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Tampa: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Tennesee- Knoxville: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- Arlington: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- Austin: $1,360,00 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas- D: $1,360,00 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas Pan American Foundation: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Virginia: $8,600 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Virginia College at Wise Foundation: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Wisconsin- La Crosse: $20,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $172,658
- Utah State University: $1,000,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Virginia Tech: $8,400 for "General Operating Support"
- Wake Frest University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Walden University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Washington College: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Webber International University: $6,600 for "General Operating Support"
- Wellesley College: $7,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Wesleyan College: $7,700 for "General Operating Support"
- West Texas A&M: $15,500 for "General Operating Support"
- West Virginia University: $258,625 for "General Operating Support"
- Western Carolina University: $378,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Public Choice Society of Western Carolina University: $33,425 for "General Operating Support"
- Western Kentucky University: $18,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Western Michigan University: $33,771 for "General Operating Support"
- Winston- Salem State University: $11,800 for "General Operating Support"
- Yale University: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
2014 [28]
- Allegheny College: $6,000
- American University: $9,000
- Andrew College: $6,000
- Appalachian State University: $500
- Arizona Christian University: $7,000
- Arizona State University Foundation: $1,062,500
- Ashland University: $20,000
- Austin Peay State University: $1,200
- Ave Maria University: $6,500
- Azusa Pacific University: $18,000
- Ball State University: $9,000
- Barton College: $6,000
- Baylor University: $12,500
- Beloit College: $7,000
- Benedictine College: $9,500
- Berry College: $6,800
- Biola University: $7,500
- Boise State University Foundation: $15,000
- Bowling Green State University Foundation: $8,000
- Brookfield Academy: $5,000
- Brooklyn Law School: $150,000
- Buena Vista University: $2,500
- California State University: $41,000
- Carthage College: $14,000
- Cedarville University: $12,500
- Central Carolina Community College Foundation: $5,000
- Central Michigan University: $2,000
- Chapman University: $10,000
- Charleston Southern University: $8,000
- Chestnut Hill College: $5,000
- Christopher Newport University: $27,000
- Claflin University: $6,500
- Claremont Graduate University: $140,000
- Claremont Mckenna College: $27,000
- Clemson University: $55,000
- Coastal Carolina University: $15,000
- Colgate University: $2,200
- College of Charleston: $40,000
- College of Coastal Georgia Foundation: $4,000
- College of the Sequoias Foundation: $6,000
- College of William and Mary: $29,960
- Corban University: $4,000
- Creighton University: $300,000
- Duke University: $40,000
- Elizabethtown College: $3,000
- Emory University: $6,000
- Emporia State University Foundation: $4,500
- Eureka College: $5,000
- Ferris State University: $5,000
- Florida Atlantic University: $6,000
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $42,000
- Florida State University: $892,195
- Florida Southern College: $200,000
- George Fox University: $10,000
- George Mason University Foundation: $11,909,161
- George Washington University: $70,062
- George College & State University: $24,500
- Georgia Gwinnett College Foundation: $7,000
- Georgia State University: $21,000
- Grove City College: $36,500
- Gustavus Adolphus College: $7,000
- Hampden-Sydney College: $21,000
- Hampton University: $8,000
- Harding University: $5,000
- High Point University: $8,000
- Hillsdale College: $35,000
- Hofstra University: $3,000
- Hollins University: $6,000
- Hope College: $17,000
- Houghton College: $6,700
- Houston Baptist University: 5,000
- Indiana University Foundation: $291,500
- Iowa State University: $23,000
- Jacksonville State University Foundation: $7,000
- James Madison University: $26,000
- James Sprunt Community College: $18,000
- John Brown University:$6,000
- Kennesaw State University: $8,000
- Kenyon College: $12,000
- King's College London: $5,000
- Lagrange College: $5,000
- Lake Forest College: $9,000
- Lakeland College: $3,000
- Lebanon Valley College: $5,500
- Lee University: $8,500
- Liberty University: $12,000
- Lindenwood University: $10,000
- Lipscomb University: $4,000
- Loyola University: $23,068
- Malone University: $4,500
- Manhattanville College: $6,500
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $49,990
- McGill University: $255,000
- Mckendree University: $8,000
- Mercer University: $20,500
- Methodist University: $5,000
- Metropolitan State University Denver Foundation: $15,000
- Michigan State University: $20,000
- Middle Tennessee State University Foundation: $9,550
- Millikin University: $9,000
- Mississippi State University: $22,000
- Montana State University-Bozeman: $14,500
- Montclair State University Foundation: $13,00
- Mount Holyoke College: $5,000
- Murray State University: $9,942
- New York University: $35,500
- North Carolina State University: $17,579
- North Dakota State University: $27,500
- North Park University: $17,000
- Northern Illinois University: $11,000
- Northwest Nazarene University: $8,000
- Northwestern College-Iowa: $10,000
- Northwestern Oklahoma State: $5,000
- Oglethorpe University: $5,000
- Ohio State University & Foundation: $132,000
- Ohio University Foundation: $52,228
- Oxford College at Emory University: $5,000
- Patrick Henry College: $68,500
- Pennsylvania State University: $10,000
- Presbyterian College: $3,000
- Providence College: $12,500
- Purdue University: $268,000
- Radford University: $7,500
- Regent University: $45,500
- Roanoke College: $3,500
- Robert Morris University: $9,000
- Rochester Institute of Technology: $5,000
- Rockford University: $11,000
- Rogers State University Foundation: $6,500
- Rutgers University Foundation: $6,000
- Saint Francis University: $5,000
- Salisbury University: $23,000
- Sam Houston State University: $6,500
- Samford University: $10,000
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $14,000
- San Jacinto College: $3,000
- Sarah Lawrence College: $15,000
- Seton Hall University: $11,000
- Shasta College Foundation: $10,000
- Southern Illinois University: $14,750
- Southern Methodist University: $192,000
- Southwestern Law School: $4,000
- St. Ambrose University: $12,000
- St. Bonaventure University: $8,000
- St. Cloud State University Foundation: $6,000
- St. Edwards University: $5,500
- St. John Fisher College: $7,000
- St. Johns University: $46,500
- St. Lawrence University: $15,300
- St. Mary's College of Maryland Foundation: $4,500
- St. Vincent College: $15,000
- Stanford University: $40,000
- State University of New York-Plattsburgh: $14,000
- Stephen F Austin State University: $24,000
- Stonehill College: $20,000
- Suffolk University: $5,000
- Susquehanna University: $7,000
- Texas A&M University Foundation: $159,000
- Texas State University-San Marcos: $8,000
- Texas Tech University-Foundation: $16,000
- The Catholic University of America: $610,000
- The College of New Jersey: $16,000
- The Curators of the University of Missouri: $5,000
- The Foundation for Grossmont & Cuyamaca Colleges: $5,000
- Towson University Foundation: $6,000
- Trinity College: $13,000
- Troy University Foundation: $327,500
- University of Arizona Foundation: $23,500
- University of Arkansas Foundation: $30,000
- University of California-Irvine: $10,000
- University of Central Arkansas Foundation: $6,500
- University of Chicago: $5,000
- University of Colorado Foundation: $6,000
- University of Connecticut: $2,500
- University of Dallas: $16,000
- University of Dayton: $20,000
- University of Georgia: $9,000
- University of Kentucky: $119,500
- University of Louisville: $18,500
- University of Maine-Machias: $5,000
- University of Maryland-Baltimore County: $13,500
- University of Minnesota-Duluth: $6,500
- University of Missouri-Columbia: $36,000
- University of Nevada-Reno: $6,000
- University of New Orleans Foundation: $15,000
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: $139,100
- University of North Texas: $3,000
- University of Notre Dame: $115,000
- University of Oklahoma: $3,000
- University of Pittsburgh: $5,000
- University of Richmond: $12,300
- University of San Diego: $14,200
- University of South Alabama: $7,000
- University of South Florida Foundation: $3,200
- University of St. Thomas: $6,000
- University of Tampa: $7,000
- University of Tennessee-Knoxville: $8,000
- University of Texas-Austin: $9,208
- University of Tulsa: $5,000
- University of Virginia: $5,000
- University of West Florida Foundation: $8,000
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $169,000
- Utah State University: $65,000
- Virginia Military Institute Foundation: $10,500
- Wake Forest University: $87,00
- Wake Technical Community College: $5,000
- Washington College: $10,000
- Webber International University: $6,000
- Wellesley College: $7,000
- Wesleyan College: $9,000
- West Liberty University Research Corporation: $10,000
- West Texas A&M University: $14,500
- West Virginia University: $2,566,350
- Western Carolina University: $16,000
- Western Kentucky University: $15,000
- Western Michigan University: $7,000
- Wingate University: $3,000
- Winston-Salem State University: $11,800
- Winthrop University: $4,500
- Wofford College: $6,500
- York College of Pennsylvania: $2,000
- Albany State University Foundation: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Alma College: $2,500 for "Educational Programs"
- American University: $4,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Augustana College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Azusa Pacific University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ball State University: $2,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Barton College: $10,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Baylor University: $171,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Beloit College: $4,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Berry College: $10,800 for "Educational Programs"
- Bethel College: $22,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Biola University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Boise State University: $14,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Brooklyn College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Brooklyn Law School: $100,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Buena Vista University: $2,000 for "Educational Programs"
- California State University-Chico: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- California State University-East Bay Foundation: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- California State University-Fresno Foundation: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- California State University-Northridge Foundation: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Campbell University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Cedarville University: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Chapman University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Charleston Southern University: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Chestnut Hill College: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Christendom College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Christopher Newport University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Claremont Mckenna College: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Clemson University: $140,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Coastal Carolina University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Colgate University: $2,200 for "Educational Programs"
- College of Charleston: $52,000 for "Educational Programs"
- College of Coastal Georgia Foundation: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- College of Holy Cross: $7,300 for "Educational Programs"
- College of William and Mary: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Concordia College New York: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Dartmouth College: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Duke University: $37,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Duquesne University: $23,000 for "Educational Programs"
- East Florida State College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Elizabethtown College: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Fayetteville State University: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida Atlantic University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $36,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida Southern College: $400,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida State University: $358,140 for "Educational Programs"
- Geneva College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- George Fox University: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- George Mason University Foundation: $10,437,000 for "Educational Programs"
- George Washington University: $62,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgia Gwinnett College: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgia State University: $21,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Grove City College: $34,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Harvard University: $40,000 for "Educational Programs"
- High Point University: $10,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Hillsdale College: $32,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Hope College: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Houghton College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Houston Baptist University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Illinois State University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Indiana University-Indianapolis: $92,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Indiana University Foundation: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Iowa State University: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Jacksonville University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- James Madison University: $18,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Johns Hopkins University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Kennesaw State University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Kennesaw State University Foundation: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Kenyon College: $13,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Lake Forest College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Lakeland College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Lee University: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Liberty University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Lindenwood University: $13,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Lipscomb University: $4,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Loyola University-New Orleans: $42,000 for "Educational Programs"
- McGill University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- McKendree University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Mercer University: $15,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Metropolitan State University Denver Foundation: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Michigan State University: $22,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Middle Tennessee State University Foundation: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Millikin University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Millsaps College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Mississippi State University: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Montana State University-Boseman: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Montclair State University Foundation: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Morehead State University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Mount Holyoke College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Murray State University: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- New York University: $35,500 for "Educational Programs"
- NIcholls State University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- North Carolina State University: $18,000 for "Educational Programs"
- North Dakota State University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- North Park University: $5,700 for "Educational Programs"
- Northern Illinois University: $4,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwest Nazarene University: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwest University: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University Foundation: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwestern University: $8,800 for "Educational Programs"
- Ohio State University & Foundation: $130,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ohio University Foundation: $50,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Oklahoma State University: $69,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Oxford College at Emory University: $11,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Patrick Henry College: $4,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Pennsylvania State University-University Park: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Providence College: $9,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Radford University: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Ramapo College Foundation: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Research Foundation for the State University of New York: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Roanoke College: $1,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Robert Morris University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rockford College: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rogers State University Foundation: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rutgers University-Camden: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Saint Francis University: $9,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Salisbury University: $22,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Samford University: $30,000 for "Educational Programs"
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $6,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Sarah Lawrence College: $11,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Seattle Pacific University: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Seton Hall University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Illinois University-Carbondale: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Methodist University: $192,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Utah University: $18,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Virginia University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Bonaventure University: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Cloud State University Foundation: $4,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Edwards University: $4,500 for "Educational Programs"
- St. John Fisher College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. John's University: $29,500 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Lawrence University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Mary's College of Maryland Foundation: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Michael's College: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Vincent College: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- State University of New York-Plattsburgh: $17,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Stephen F Austin State University: $13,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Suffolk University: $17,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Syracuse University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Texas A&M University: $23,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Texas A&M University Foundation: $230,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Texas Tech University Foundation: $109,000 for "Educational Programs"
- The Catholic University of America: $215,000 for "Educational Programs"
- The College of New Jersey: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Transylvania University: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Trinity College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Trinity University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Troy University Foundation: $50,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Akron: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alaska-Fairbanks: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Arizona Foundation: $40,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Arkansas Foundation: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Central Arkansas Foundation: $40,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Colorado-Colorado Springs: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Dallas: $19,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Dayton: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Delaware: $5,700 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Houston: $16,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Kentucky: $33,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Louisville: $20,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maine-Machias: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maine-Orono: $2,600 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maryland-Baltimore County: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maryland-College Park: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Mississippi: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Missouri-Columbia: $33,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Nebraska-Omaha: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of New Orleans Foundation: $22,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Arts Science Foundation: $115,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of North Carolina-Greensboro: $6,800 for "Educational Programs"
- University of North Carolina-Pembroke: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Notre Dame: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Pennsylvania: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Richmond: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of San Diego: $12,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of South Alabama: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Tennessee-Knoxville: $2,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-Arlington: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-Austin: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Tulsa: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Virginia: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Virginia's College at Wise: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Washington: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of West Florida: $11,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Wisconsin-La Crosse: $12,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $11,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ursinus College: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University: $45,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University Foundation: $100,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Vasser College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Virginia Tech: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Wake Forest University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Washington and Lee University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Wesleyan College: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- West Liberty University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- West Texas A&M University $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Carolina University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Kentucky University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Michigan University: $14,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Wheaton College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Winston-Salem State University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Winthrop University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Wofford College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Albany State University Foundation: $11,00 for "General Support"
- Alma College: $8,500 for "General Support"
- American University: $15,000 for "General Support"
- Assumption College: $6,000 for "General Support"
- Augustana College: $5,000 for "General Support"
- Azusa Pacific University: $15,000 for "General Support"
- Ball State University: $3,000 for "General Support"
- Barton College: $9,300 for "General Support"
- Beloit College: $6,000 for "General Support"
- Berry College: $11,900 for "General Support"
- Bethel College: $12,100 for "General Support"
- Birmingham Southern College: $6,500 for "General Support"
- Boise State University Foundation: $7,800 for "General Support"
- Brown University: $13,000 for "General Support"
- Buena Vista University: $500 for "General Support"
- California State University Easy Bay Foundation: $27,000 for "General Support"
- Campbell University: $24,000 for "General Support"
- Carthage College: $9,500 for "General Support"
- Cedarville University: $9,000 for "General Support"
- Chapman University: $18,000 for "General Support"
- Charleston Southern University: $7,500 for "General Support"
- Chestnut Hill College: $6,00 for "General Support"
- Christopher Newport University: $14,000 for "General Support"
- Claremont McKenna College: $29,400 for "General Support"
- Clemson University: $165,000 for "General Support"
- College of Charleston: $40,000 for "General Support"
- College of William and Mary: $2,500 for "General Support"
- Cornell College: $3,000 for "General Support"
- Dartmouth College: $10,000 for "General Support"
- Duquesne University: $22,000 for "General Support"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $37,500 for "General Support"
- Florida State University: $297,341 for "General Support"
- George Fox University: $12,650 for "General Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $5,455,000 for "General Support"
- George Washington University: $116,000 for "General Support"
- Georgia State University Foundation: $9,000 for "General Support"
- Grove City College: $32,800 for "General Support"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $30,600 for "General Support"
- Hanover College: $3,800 for "General Support"
- Harvard University: $7,500 for "General Support"
- High Point University: $6,000 for "General Support"
- Hillsdale College: $34,000 for "General Support"
- Indiana University: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Indiana University Foundation: $26,000 for "General Support"
- James Madison University: $21,200 for "General Support"
- John Brown University: $3,000 for "General Support"
- Johns Hopkins University: $10,000 for "General Support"
- Johnson and Wales University: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Kennesaw State University: $2,500 for "General Support"
- Kenyon College: $2,000 for "General Support"
- La Sierra University: $7,500 for "General Support"
- Lake Forest College: $7,000 for "General Support"
- Lakeland College: $7,000 for "General Support"
- Lee University: $6,500 for "General Support"
- Lindenwood University: $6,000 for "General Support"
- Long Island University: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Loyola University New Orleans: $42,000 for "General Support"
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $25,000 for "General Support"
- McGill University: $10,000 for "General Support"
- McKendree University: $7,000 for "General Support"
- Menlo College: $2,000 for "General Support"
- Mercer University: $21,300 for "General Support"
- Metropolitan State College Denver Foundation: $18,000 for "General Support"
- Michigan State University: $20,000 for "General Support"
- Middle Tennessee State University: $10,000
- Mississippi State University: $10,000 for "General Support"
- Montana State University: $5,500 for "General Support"
- Mount St. Mary's University: $1,800 for "General Support"
- Murray State University: $7,500 for "General Support"
- New York University: $35,500 for "General Support"
- Nicholls State University: $-395 for "General Support"
- North Carolina State University: $9,000 for "General Support"
- Northwest Nazarene University: $5,500
- Northwest University: $8,000
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University: $3,500 for "General Support"
- Northwestern University: $404 for "General Support"
- Northwood University: $34,000 for "General Support"
- Ohio State University: $12,000 for "General Support"
- Ohio State University Foundation: $100,000 for "General Support"
- Ohio University: $4,400 for "General Support"
- Ohio University Foundation: $37,500 for "General Support"
- Pennsylvania State University: $14,500 for "General Support"
- Pepperdine University: $17,500 for "General Support"
- Presbyterian College: $2,500 for "General Support"
- Providence College: $7,700 for "General Support"
- Ramapo College Foundation: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Regent University: $23,000 for "General Support"
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Robert Morris University: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Rockford College: $14,000 for "General Support"
- Rogers State University Foundation: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Rutgers University: $13,500 for "General Support"
- Ryan Foundation: $17,500 for "General Support"
- Salisbury University: $12,000 for "General Support"
- Sarah Lawrence College: $5,500 for "General Support"
- Seton Hall University: $12,000 for "General Support"
- Skidmore College: $4,600 for "General Support"
- Southeastern Baptist Theologic: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Southern Illinois University: $14,300 for "General Support"
- Southern Illinois University Foundation: $6,000 for "General Support"
- Southern Methodist University: $100,000 for "General Support"
- St. Ambrose University: $15,000 for "General Support"
- St. Anselm College: $3,000 for "General Support"
- St. Bonaventure University: $5,000 for "General Support"
- St. Cloud State University Foundation: $6,000 for "General Support"
- St. Edwards University: $4,000 for "General Support"
- St. John Fisher College: $15,500 for "General Support"
- St. John's University: $32,000 for "General Support"
- St. Lawrence University: $15,200 for "General Support"
- St. Mary's College of Maryland: $7,000 for "General Support"
- St. Vincent College: $10,000 for "General Support"
- State University of New York: $7,500 for "General Support"
- Stephen F. Austin State University: $20,100 for "General Support"
- Stonehill College: $14,000 for "General Support"
- Suffolk University: $44,734 for "General Support"
- Texas A&M University: $16,700 for "General Support"
- Texas State University: $10,750 for "General Support"
- The Catholic University of America: $8,000 for "General Support"
- The Citadel Foundation: $4,500 for "General Support"
- The College of New Jersey: $18,200 for "General Support"
- Tower Foundation of San Jose State: $25,000 for "General Support"
- Trinity College: $10,000 for "General Support"
- Troy University Foundation: $274,500 for "General Support"
- Tulane University: $6,000 for "General Support"
- UCLA Foundation: $9,000 for "General Support"
- University Enterprises Corporation: $7,000 for "General Support"
- University of Akron: $16,750 for "General Support"
- University of Alaska: $15,000 for "General Support"
- University of Arizona Foundation: $249,520 for "General Support"
- University of Central Arkansas: $15,000 for "General Support"
- University of Colorado: $3,000 for "General Support"
- University of Dallas: $21,000 for "General Support"
- University of Dayton: $15,750 for "General Support"
- University of Georgia Foundation: $3,800 for "General Support"
- University of Hawaii: $7,500 for "General Support"
- University of Louisville: $14,000 for "General Support"
- University of Maryland: $5,700 for "General Support"
- University of Memphis: $6,000 for "General Support"
- University of Mississippi: $8,500 for "General Support"
- University of Missouri: $27,000 for "General Support"
- University of Nebraska: $9,949 for "General Support"
- University of Nevada: $7,000 for "General Support"
- University of New Orleans Foundation: $6,000 for "General Support"
- University of North Carolina: $116,800 for "General Support"
- University of Notre Dame: $18,000 for "General Support"
- University of Oklahoma: $3,000 for "General Support"
- University of Richmond: $15,500 for "General Support"
- University of San Diego: $11,000 for "General Support"
- University of San Francisco: $8,000 for "General Support"
- University of South Alabama: $6,500 for "General Support"
- University of Tennessee: $27,000 for "General Support"
- University of Tulsa: $10,000 for "General Support"
- University of Virginia: $5,000 for "General Support"
- University of Virginia's College: $5,000 for "General Support"
- University of Washington: $7,000 for "General Support"
- University of West Florida Foundation: $10,000 for "General Support"
- University of Wisconsin: $9,500 for "General Support"
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $11,000 for "General Support"
- UNLV Foundation: $5,000 for "General Support"
- Ursinus College: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Utah State University: $170,000 for "General Support"
- Wake Forest University: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Washington College: $15,000 for "General Support"
- Webber International University: $4,500 for "General Support"
- Wellesley College: $8,000 for "General Support"
- Wesleyan College: $9,000 for "General Support"
- West Texas A&M University: $12,500 for "General Support"
- West Virginia University: $46,200 for "General Support"
- West Virginia University Foundation: $72,100 for "General Support"
- Wheaton College: $6,600 for "General Support"
- Wheeling Jesuit University: $8,000 for "General Support"
- William Jewell College: $5,100 for "General Support"
- Winston-Salem State University: $8,600 for "General Support"
- Wofford College: $7,500 for "General Support"
- Yeshiva University: $3,000 for "General Support"
- Clemson University: $250,000 for for "Educational Programs"
- Florida State University Foundation: $250,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Methodist University: $101,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Troy University Foundation: $240,000 for "Educational Programs"; $720,000 for "Manual H Johnson Center for Political Economy"
- University of Arizona Foundation: $200,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University Foundation: $125,000 for "Educational Programs"
- West Virginia University Foundation: $283,100 for "Educational Programs
- George Mason University: $4,157,548 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida State University: $123,765 for "Educational Programs"; $230, 355 for "PhD Student Fellowships"
- George Washington University: $4,500 for "Research"
- New York University: $35,500 for "Educational Programs"; $35,500 for "Legal Fellowship"
- Suffolk University: $91,692 for "Educational Programs"; $33,751 for "PhD Student Fellowships"
- University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: $100,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University: $35,000 for "Research"
- George Mason University Foundation: $250,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Alma College: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Arkansas Tech University: $12,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Azusa Pacific University: $23,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Barton College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Beloit College: $32,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Berry College: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Bethel College: $9,600 for "Educational Programs"
- Boise State University Foundation: $7,470 for "Educational Programs"
- Brown University: $37,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Buena Vista University: $1,000 for "Educational Programs"
- California State University East Bay Foundation: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Campbell University: $16,093
- Carnegie Mellon University: $5,850 for "Educational Programs"
- Carthage College: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Chapman University: $24,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Charleston Southern University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Christendom College: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Christopher Newport University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Claremont McKenna College: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Coastal Carolina University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- College of Charleston Foundation: $36,731
- College of William and Mary: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Dartmouth College: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Delaware State University: $8,172 for "Educational Programs"
- Delta State University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Duke University: $16,281 for "Educational Programs"
- Duquesne University: $25,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Fayetteville State University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $26,000 for "Educational Programs"
- George Fox University: $10,892 for "Educational Programs"
- George Washington University: $86,120 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgetown University: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgia College & State University: $8,830 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgia State University Foundation: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Grove City College: $38,100 for "Educational Programs"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $35,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Hanover College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Hillsdale College: $23,423 for "Educational Programs"
- Johns Hopkins University: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- La Sierra University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Lake Forest College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Linfield College: $11,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Loyola University New Orleans: $25,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $25,000 for "Educational Programs"
- McKendree University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- McNeese State University: $4,500
- Metropolitan State College Denver Foundation: $15,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Middle Tennessee State University Foundation: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Midwestern State University Foundation: $4,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Milligan College: $5,800 for "Educational Programs"
- National University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Nicholls State University: $4,200 for "Educational Programs"
- North Carolina State University: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwestern University: $750 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwood University-Florida: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ohio University Foundation: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Oklahoma State University Foundation: $36,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Patrick Henry College: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Presbyterian College: $2,043 for "Educational Programs"
- Providence College: $8,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Randolph-Macon College: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Regent University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rhodes College: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Robert Morris University: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Rockford College: $11,700 for "Educational Programs"
- Roosevelt University: $8,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Ryan Foundation: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Saginaw Valley State University: $3,650 for "Educational Programs"
- Salisbury University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- San Diego State University Research Foundation: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Sarah Lawrence College: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Seton Hall University: $10,780 for "Educational Programs"
- Skidmore College: $4,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Southeast Idaho Research Institute: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Illinois University-Carbondale: $17,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Utah University: $9,200 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Ambrose University: $5,400 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Cloud State University Foundation: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St Edwards University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. John's University: $29,562 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Lawrence University: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- State University of New York-Plattsburgh: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Stephen F. Austin State University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Suffolk University: $19,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Texas A&M University: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- The College of New Jersey: $11,900 for "Educational Programs"
- Tower Foundation of San Jose State: $25,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Trinity College: $11,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Trinity University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- UCLA Foundation: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Akron: $9,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alabama-Huntsville: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alabama at Birmingham: $4,874 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alaska-Fairbanks: $14,800 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Arkansas-Little Rock: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Central Arkansas Foundation: $10,200 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Colorado Foundation: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Dallas: $26,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Dayton: $15,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Houston: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maine-Orono: $3,200 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maryland-Baltimore County: $7,400 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Memphis: $5,900 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Michigan: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Mississippi: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Missouri-Columbia: $34,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Nebraska-Omaha: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of North Alabama Foundation: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of North Carolina-Greensboro: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Richmond: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of San Diego: $10,303 for "Educational Programs"
- University of South Florida Foundation: $2,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-Arlington: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-Austin: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-San Antonio: $11,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Tulsa: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Virginia: $23,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Virginia's College at Wise: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of West Florida Foundation: $12,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Wisconsin Foundation: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- UNLV Foundation: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University: $45,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Washington University-St Louis: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Webber International University: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Wesleyan College: $6,300 for "Educational Programs"
- West Texas A&M University: $2,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Carolina University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Kentucky University Research Foundation: $11,700 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Michigan University: $14,100 for "Educational Programs"
- Westmont College: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Wheaton College: $7,300 for "Educational Programs"
- Wisconsin Lutheran College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- McGill University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Alma College: $7,175 for "Educational Programs"
- American University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Andrew College: $2,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Arkansas Tech University: $8,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Athens State University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Azusa Pacific University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ball State University: $16,300 for "Educational Programs"
- Barton College: $3,360 for "Educational Programs"
- Baylor University: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Beloit College: $32,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Berry College: $9,600 for "Educational Programs"
- Bethel College: $8,505 for "Educational Programs"
- Boise State University: $7,550 for "Educational Programs"
- Brown University: $116,978 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- Buena Vista University: $1,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Campbell University: $13,600 for "Educational Programs"
- Chapman University: $40,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Charleston Southern University: $7,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Christendom College: $5,100 for "Educational Programs"
- Christendom College: $5,100 for "Educational Programs"
- Clemson University: $250,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Christopher Newport University: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Coastal Carolina University: $6,300 for "Educational Programs"
- Colgate University: $5,972 for "Educational Programs"
- College of Charleston: $29,919 for "Educational Programs"
- College of New Jersey: $15,310 for "Educational Programs"
- College of William&Mary: $4,800 for "Educational Programs"
- Colorado College: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- California State University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Delaware State University: $7,250 for "Educational Programs"
- Duke University: $11,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Duquesne Unviersity: $17,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $36,246 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida State University: $350,544 for "Educational Programs"
- George Fox University: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- George Mason University: $3,667,144 for "General Operating Support & Educational Programs"
- George Washington University: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Georgia Tech Research Corp: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Grove City College: $32,214 for "Educational Programs"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $16,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Hanover College: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Henderson State University: $6,515 for "Educational Programs"
- Hillsdale College: $26,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Jacksonville State University: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- James Madison University: $12,705 for "Educational Programs"
- La Sierra School of Business: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Lakeland College: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Lindenwood University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Loyola University (New Orelans): $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Louisiana State University: $11,340 for "Educational Programs"
- Mercer University: $10,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Metropolitan State College: $15,340 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Michigan: $11,607 for "Educational Programs"
- Michigan State University: $10,650 for "Educational Programs"
- Milligan College: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $45,480 for "Educational Programs"
- Montana State University: $18,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Montclair State University: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Morehead State Univeristy: $9,300 for "General Support for Research"
- National University: $10,500 for "Educational Programs"
- New York University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- North Carolina State University: $4,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northeastern State University: $8,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Northern Illinois Research Foundation: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwest Oklahoma State University: $4,250 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwood University: $40,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Oglethorpe University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ohio University: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ohio University Foundation: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Pepperdine University: $18,950 for "Educational Programs"
- Phillips School of Business: $2,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Presbyterian College: $2,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Providence College: $5,250 for "Educational Programs"
- Regent University: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Research Foundation of the State University of New York: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rhodes College: $28,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rob Morris University: $1,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Rockford College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Roosevelt University: $7,950 for "Educational Programs"
- Saginaw Valley State University: $4,940 for "Educational Programs"
- Salisbury University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- San Jose State University: $16,500
- Sarah Lawrence College: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Seton Hall University: $10,131 for "Educational Programs"
- Skidmoore College: $3,800 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Illinois University: $14,974 for "Educational Programs"
- Southern Methodist University: $800 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Cloud State University: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- St. John Fisher College: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. John's University: $22,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Lawrence University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Vincent College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Stillman College: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Stonehill College: $13,494 for "Educational Programs"
- Suffolk University: $209,697 for "Educational Programs"
- Texas State University-San Marcos: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Trinity College: $11,053 for "Educational Programs"
- Troy University: $240,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alabama-Huntsville: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alaska-Fairbanks: $11,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Arizona: $512,445 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Arkansas-Little Rock: $6,855 for "Educational Programs"
- University of California-Davis: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of California Los Angeles: $8,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of California Riverside: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of California Riverside: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Central Arkansas: $5,175 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Colorado: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Dallas: $16,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Dayton: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Houston: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Illinois-Springfield: $10,375 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Kentucky: $2,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Louisville: $31,055 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Maine-Machias: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Missouri-Columbia: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of North Carolina: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Nebraska-Omaha: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Nevada-Reno: $8,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Notre Dame: $9,650 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Oklahoma: $3,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of San Diego: $9,317 for "Educational Programs"
- University of South Florida: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas at El Paso: $11,475 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas Pan-America: $18,300 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Washington: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Washington: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of West Florida: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: $8,500 for Educational Programs
- University of Wisconsin-Madison: $5,400 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Richmond: $11,675 for "Educational Programs"
- University of South Alabama: $9,851 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University: $9,851 for "Educational Programs"
- Wake Forest University: $6,810 for "Educational Programs"
- Wesleyan: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- West Virginia University: $272,100 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Kentucky University: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Whitman College: $6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Winston-Salem State: $8,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Michigan University Foundation: $14,090 for "Educational Programs
- Yeshiva University: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- American University: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Ashland University: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Ball State University: $8,300 for "Educational Programs"
- Barton College: $4,320 for "Educational Programs"
- Berry College: $12,100 for "Educational Programs"
- Bethel College: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Nebraska Board of Regents: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Brown University: $147,154 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- Campbell University: $7,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Chapman University: $25,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Claremont McKenna College: $22,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Clemson University: $250,000 for "Educational Programs"
- College of Charleston: $32,160 for "Educational Programs"
- Dartmouth College: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Duquesne Unviersity: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $289,150 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida State University: $289,150 for "Educational Programs"
- George Mason University: $4,998,800 for "General Operating Support & Educational Programs"
- Georgia State University: $9,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Gloucester Institute: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Grove City College: $37,335 for "Educational Programs"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Hillsdale College: $28,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Indiana University $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- James Madison University: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- The King's College: $13,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Loyola University: $8,5000 for "Educational Programs"
- Mercer University: $16,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Metropolitan State College: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Michigan State University: $8,720 for "Educational Programs"
- Montana State University: $4,500 for "Educational Programs"
- National University: $11,208 for "Educational Programs"
- New York University: $97,000 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- Northeastern State University: $13,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwestern Oklahoma State University: $4,250 for "Educational Programs"
- Northwestern State University: $250,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Pennsylvanian State University: $27,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Pepperdine University: $13,200 for "Educational Programs"
- Rhodes College: $25,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Rockford College: $13,150 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Cloud State University: $5,200 for "Educational Programs"
- St. John's University: "$6,000 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Lawrence University: $10,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Seton Hall University: $11,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Suffolk University: $136,771 for "Educational Programs"
- Texas Christian University: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- The Tower Foundation of San Jose State University: $19,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Trinity College: $30,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alabama: $22,950 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Alaska: $15,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Arizona: $13,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of California Los Angeles: $14,926 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Colorado: $23,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Missouri-Columbia: $14,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Rochester: $9,00 for "Educational Programs"
- University of San Diego: $4,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of South Alabama: $5,735 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas Pan-America: $20,400 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-Arlington: $11,500 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-Austin: $2,400 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Texas-El Paso: $10,500 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State University: $47,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Utah State Univeristy Foundation: $125,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Wake Forest University: $7,500 for "Educational Programs"
- West Texas A&M University: $6,500 for "Educational Programs"
- West Virginia University: $200,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Western Carolina University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Appalachian State College: $17,000 for "Education Programs"
- Auburn University: $300,000 for "Education Programs"
- Beloit College: $31,000 for "Education Programs"
- Berry College: $10,800 for "Education Programs"
- Brown University: $136,000 for "Education Programs"
- Case Western Reserve University: $25,000 for "Education and Research Programs"
- Clemson University: $130,116 for "Education Programs"
- College of Charleston: $19,742 for "Education Programs"
- Dartmouth University: $22,000 for "Education Programs"
- Duquesne University: $18,000 for "Education Programs"
- Florida Gulf Coast University: $16,000 for "Education Programs"
- George Mason University: $2,781,500 for "General Operating Support"
- Grove City College: $46,6000 for "Education Programs"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $18,500 for "Education Programs"
- Hillsdale College: $33,000 for "Education Programs"
- The King's College: $12,000 for "Education Programs"
- Loyola University: $75,000 for "Education Programs"
- Mercer University: $16,000 for "Education Programs"
- Metropolitan State College of Denver: $17,000 for "Education Programs"
- Michigan State University: $15,360 for "Education Programs"
- Montana State: $24,000 for "Education Programs"
- National Taxpayer's Union: $5,000 for "General Operating Support"
- New York State University: $26,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Northern Michigan University: $1,000 for "Education Programs"
- Northwestern University: $200,000 for "Education Programs"
- Pennsylvania State: $18,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Rhodes College: $15,300 for "Education Programs"
- St. Cloud State University: $4,000 for "Education Programs"
- St. Lawrence University: $4,000 for "Education Programs"
- Suffolk University: $97,236 for "Education Programs"
- The Tower Foundation of San Jose State University: $15,000 for "Education Programs"
- Towson University: $4,650 for "Education Programs"
- Trinity College: $20,000 for "Education Programs"
- University of Alaska: $15,500 for "Education Programs"
- University of Kansas: $25,000 for "Education Programs"
- University of Missouri: $17,500 for "Education Programs"
- University of St. Thomas: $30,000 for "Education Programs"
- Utah State University: $15,000 for "Education Programs"
- University of Texas Pan-Am: $20,600 for "Education Programs"
- West Virgina University: $5,000 for "Education Programs
- Beloit College: $40,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Berry College: $32,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Clemson University-Department of Economics: $52,400 for "Educational Programs"
- Florida State University: $50,000 for "Educational Programs"
- George Mason University Foundation: $408,000 for Educational and Research Programs"
- Grove City College: $28,700 for "General Operating Support"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology: $250,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Montana State: $11,000 for "Educational Programs
- Rhodes College: $5,500 for "Educational Programs"
- St. Lawrence University: $12,000 for "Educational Programs"
- San Jose State University:$11,900 for "Educational Programs"
- Santa Clara Univeristy: $5,000 for "Educational Programs"
- Suffolk University: $97,236 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Kansas School of Business: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Utah State University: $32,500 for "Educational Programs"
- West Virginia University Foundation: $155,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Grove City College: $20,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Hampden-Sydney College: $25,500 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $350,000 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- San Jose State University Foundation: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- West Virginia University Foundation: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $1,102,000 For "Educational and Research Programs"
- San Jose State University Foundation: $25,500 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $777,5000 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- San Jose State Foundation: $25,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Texas at Dallas: $20,000 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $1,943,00 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- George Mason University Foundation: $952,000 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- JFK School of Government: $55,000 for "General Operating Support"
- George Mason University Foundation: $3,030,250 for "Education and Research Programs"
- Kansas State University Foundation: $25,000 for "Tallgrass Prairie Documentary"
- George Mason University Foundation: $2,080,000 for "Educational and Research Programs"
- Clemson University: $10,000 for "Research Programs"
- George Mason University Foundation: $2,000,000 for "Research and Educational Programs"
- Harding University: $10,000 for "General Operating Support"
- Harvard Center for Risk Analysis: $80,000 for "Educational Programs"
Contributions from the Claude R. Lambe Foundation to Academic Institutions
- George Mason University Foundation: $20,000 for "Educational Programs"
- University of Virginia Center for Politics: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Virginia Center for Politics: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
- University of Virginia Center for Politics: $15,000 for "General Operating Support"
Articles and Resources
SourceWatch Articles
- Koch Brothers
- Koch Family Foundations
- Americans for Prosperity
- Freedom Partners
- Cato Institute
- Heritage Foundation
- Koch Universities
- Koch Network
- Knowledge and Progress Fund
- American Encore
- DonorsTrust
- Donors Capital
- 60 Plus
- Generation Opportunity
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation, About, organization website, accessed May 22, 2014.
- ↑ PolluterWatch, Charles Koch University Funding Database, Greenpeace USA, published September 15, 2014.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Dave Levinthal, Koch brothers' higher-ed investments advance political goals, Center for Public Integrity, October 30, 2015.
- ↑ Daniel Schulman, Charles Koch's Brain, Politico Magazine, Sept/Oct 2014.
- ↑ Liberty Guide, Structure of Social Change, archived June 24, 2014.
- ↑ Connor Gibson and Lindsey Berger, Koch Pollution On Campus: Academic Freedom Under Assault from Charles Koch's $50 Million Campaign to Infiltrate Higher Education, Greenpeace USA, published September 15, 2014.
- ↑ Charles G. Koch, Anti-Capitalism and Business, Speech to Institute for Humane Studies board of directors, 1974, re-published by Greenpeace on DocumentCloud, September 15, 2014.
- ↑ PolluterWatch
- ↑ DeSmogBlog, Koch and George Mason University, accessed August 12, 2014.
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Ray Bellamy and Kent Miller, Fine Print, Restrictive Grants, and Academic Freedom, Academe, published May, 2012.
- ↑ Pam Martens, The Koch Whisperers, Counter Punch, September 12, 2011.
- ↑ Anemona Hartocollis, Revelations Over Koch Gifts Prompt Inquiry at George Mason University, The New York Times, May 1, 2018.
- ↑ Stanley Fish, Sex, the Koch Brothers and Academic Freedom, New York Times Opinionator blog, published May 16, 2011.
- ↑ Dan Berrett, Not Just Florida State, Inside Higher Ed, published June 28, 2011.
- ↑ Connor Gibson and Lindsey Berger, Koch Pollution On Campus: Academic Freedom Under Assault from Charles Koch's $50 Million Campaign to Infiltrate Higher Education, published September 15, 2014.
- ↑ Valerie Strauss, Charles Koch Foundation’s unique definition of ‘academic freedom’, Washington Post Answer Sheet blog, published November 7, 2014.
- ↑ John K. Wilson, The Koch Foundation and Academic Freedom, Academe, published January 18, 2015.
- ↑ The Rachel Maddow Show, Students fight to expose Koch influence, MSNBC, aired January 22, 2015.
- ↑ Kaitlin Mulhere, Scrutiny of Scholar's Emails, Inside Higher Ed, published January 14, 2015.
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation, 2020 IRS 990, "Charles Koch Foundation", November 15, 2021.
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation, 2019 IRS 990 Form, "Charles Koch Foundation," December 31, 2019.
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation, 2018 IRS 990 Form, Charles Koch Foundation," November 15, 2019
- ↑ David Armiak, Koch Invested $127.5 Million in Building Right-Wing Infrastructure in 2018, ExposedbyCMD, November 19, 2019.
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation: 2017 IRS 990 Form accessed Nov. 30 2018
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation: 2016 IRS 990 Form
- ↑ Lee Fang, "Law School Sells Naming Rights to Secretive Antonin Scalia Fan," The Intercept, April 1, 2016.
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation: 2015 IRS 990 Form
- ↑ Charles Koch Foundation, 2014 IRS Form 990, tax filing.
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles Koch Foundation: 2013
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles Koch Foundation: 2012
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2011
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2010
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2009
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2008
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2007
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2006
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2005
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2004
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2003
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2002
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2001
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 2000
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 1999
- ↑ Guidestar: Charles G Koch Foundation: 1998
- ↑ Guidestar: Lambe Foundation:2009
- ↑ Guidestar: Claude R. Lambe Foundation:2005
- ↑ Guidestar: Claude R. Lambe Foundation:2004
- ↑ Guidestar: Claude R. Lambe Foundation:2003