Jacques Chirac

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Jacques Chirac was the president of France, 1995-2007. Elected for 7 years in 1995, he was re-elected in 2002 for 5-years (the French constitution was amended to reduce the term of the presidential office from 7 to 5 years in 2000 but this measure did not apply to the president currently in office). His party affiliation at the time of his first election was RPR (Rassemblement pour la République) (Conservatives). This party was merged into a more liberal center-right coalition named UMP (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire) in 2002.


Jacques Chirac was born on November 29th 1932.

By the constitution, the president of France is the head of state.

The government is appointed by the president but must be approved by the lower-chamber of the parliament (Assemblée Nationale).

When he took office, Jacques Chirac inherited a wide majority of over 450 out of 577 seats for the right and center in the Assemblée Nationale.

A general election was held in 1997 where a left coalition (Socialists, Greens, 'Communists') won the majority.

Another general election was held in 2002 (just after the presidential election) where the center and right won back the majority of the seats.

Three prime ministers have served under Jacques Chirac : Alain Juppé RPR (1995-1997), Lionel Jospin PS (Socialist Party) (1997-2002) and Jean-Pierre Raffarin UMP (2002-Currently).

Resources and articles


External articles

  • "Jacques Chirac", Press Office of the French Republic, accessed May 2005.

External resources