Freedom House

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Freedom House, Inc. (FHI) is a "conservative research, publishing, networking, and selective human rights organization."[1] Freedom House's work is linked to the "democracy promotion" efforts of the National Endowment for Democracy which also funds the bulk of FHI's projects.[2]


Freedom House describes itself as non-partisan and broad-based, "a clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world." It was founded "nearly sixty years ago by Eleanor Roosevelt, Wendell Willkie, and other Americans concerned with the mounting threats to peace and democracy, Freedom House has been a vigorous proponent of democratic values and a steadfast opponent of dictatorships of the far left and the far right."[3]

Freedom House sees itself "at the center of the struggle for freedom ... It was an outspoken advocate of the Marshall Plan and NATO in the 1940s, of the U.S. civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, of the Vietnam boat people in the 1970s, of Poland's Solidarity movement and the Filipino democratic opposition in the 1980s, and of the many democracies that have emerged around the world in the 1990s ... Freedom House has vigorously opposed dictatorships in Central America and Chile, apartheid in South Africa, the suppression of the Prague Spring, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda, and the brutal violation of human rights in Cuba, Burma, China, and Iraq ... It has championed the rights of democratic activists, religious believers, trade unionists, journalists, and proponents of free markets. In 1997, a consolidation took place whereby the international democratization training programs of the National Forum Foundation were incorporated into Freedom House."[4]


Executive Staff: 2012
David J. Kramer, President Jacquelyn J. Bennett, Chief Operating Officer Daniel Calingaert, Vice President, Policy and External Affairs
Lisa Davis, Senior Advisor, International Legal Affairs Robert Herman, Vice President, Regional Programs Jennifer Koliba, Senior Advisor, Compliance
Quoc Nguyen, Chief Financial Officer Arch Puddington, Vice President, Research Paula Schriefer, Vice President, Global Programs
Christopher Walker, Vice President, Strategy and Analysis
Senior Staff: 2012
Andrew Apostolou, Director, Iran Programs Danilo Bakovic, Senior Program Manager, Internet Freedom Troy Cassel, Operations Director
Erin Connors, Senior Program Officer, Africa Programs Susan Corke, Director, EURASIA Programs Jenai Cox, Senior Program Officer, Africa Programs
Charles Dunne, Director, Middle East and North Africa Programs Lynn Fredriksson, Senior Program Manager, Global Human Rights Viviana Giacaman, Director, Latin America Programs
Sue Gunawardena-Vaughn, Director, Religious Freedom and South East Asia Programs Sylvana Habdank-Kolaczkowska, Project Director, Nations in Transit Tiffany Huynh, Controller
Jane Ilori, Human Resources Director Karin Deutsch Karlekar, Project Director, Freedom of the Press Sanja Kelly, Project Director, Freedom on the Net
Sherif Mansour, Senior Program Officer, Middle East and North Africa Programs Mary Mares, Special Projects Manager Mary McGuire, Senior Communications Manager
Nina Patel, Development Officer Vukasin Petrovic, Director, Africa Programs Aili Piano, Project Director, Freedom in the World
Courtney Radsch, Program Manager, Freedom of Expression Jurgita Sidlauskaite, Grants Administrator Sarah Trister, Manager of Congressional Affairs
Vanessa Tucker, Project Director, Countries at the Crossroads
FHI: Staff: Accessed: 22 February 2012

Board of Trustees

The Freedom House Board of Trustees is self-described as "composed of leading Democrats, Republicans, and independents; business and labor leaders; former senior government officials; scholars; writers; and journalists."[5] Diana Barahona's description of their board of trustees is "a Who's Who of neoconservatives from government, business, academia, labor, and the press." [6]

Board of Trustees: 2012
William H. Taft IV, Chair Ruth Wedgwood, Vice-Chair Thomas A. Dine, Vice-Chair
David Nastro, Treasurer John Norton Moore, Secretary Max Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus
Bette Bao Lord, Chairman Emeritus Kenneth Adelman Zainab Al-Suwaij
Goli Ameri Stuart Appelbaum Susan J. Bennett
Dennis C. Blair James H. Carter Antonia Cortese
Lee Cullum Charles Davidson Kim G. Davis
Paula J. Dobriansky Alan P. Dye Rebecca G. Haile
D. Jeffrey Hirschberg Kenneth I. Juster Kathryn Dickey Karol
Jim Kolbe Jay Mazur Theodore N. Mirvis
Alberto Mora Faith P. Morningstar Joshua Muravchik
Andrew Nathan Diana Villiers Negroponte Lisa B. Nelson
Mark Palmer Scott Siff Richard S. Williamson
Wendell Willkie II Jennifer L. Windsor Richard N. Winfield
FHI: Board of Trustees Accessed: 22 February 2012


Freedom house collected $23.5M in revenue during 2005. [5]

Related Organizations

NB: These organizations often co-host events, there is personnel overlap, and at some point have shared offices.


New York Office

120 Wall Street, Floor 26
New York, NY 10005
Phone: 212-514-8040
Email: info AT

Washington D.C. Office

1301 Connecticut Ave. NW, Floor 6
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: 202-296-5101

External links


  1. Sklar, "Washington Wants to Buy Nicaragua's Elections Again: A Guide to US Operatives and Nicaraguan Parties," Z Magazine, December 1989.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Richard Falk, When an 'NGO' is not an NGO: Twists and turns under Egyptian skies, Aljazeera, 21 February 2012.
  3. [1]
  4. [2]
  5. [3]
  6. [4]
  7. Daniel Bice, Bill Glauber, Ben Poston. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. November 28, 2011.