ALEC Federalism and International Relations Task Force
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The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has nine task forces:
- the ALEC Civil Justice Task Force,
- the ALEC Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force,
- the ALEC Communications and Technology Task Force,
- the ALEC Criminal Justice Reform Task Force
- the ALEC Education and Workforce Development Task Force,
- the ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force,
- the ALEC Federalism and International Relations Task Force,
- the ALEC Health and Human Services Task Force, and
- the ALEC Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force.
(Until it was disbanded in April 2012, ALEC also operated a Public Safety and Elections Task Force, which adopted such "model" bills as the "Stand Your Ground" bill or "Castle Law" doctrine and the voter ID Act. Later in 2012, ALEC launched the "Justice Performance Project" (JPP) in place of the Public Safety and Elections Task Force. The bills associated with the JPP in task force materials obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy and posted by ALEC appear to continue ALEC's modus operandi of promoting the financial interests of the corporations and special interest groups that fund it, such as the American Bail Coalition, according to PRWatch.[1])
This article is about ALEC's Federalism and International Relations Task Force, formerly the ALEC International Relations Task Force. Corporations can join this task force for $10,000 a year.[2] For model legislation crafted and adopted by the Federalism and International Relations Task Force, go here. For task force directories and meeting agendas, go here.
- 1 2015 States and Nation Policy Summit Substantive Agenda
- 2 2015 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda
- 3 2014 ALEC States and Nation Policy Summit Substantive Agenda
- 4 2014 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda
- 5 2013 ALEC States and Nation Policy Summit Substantive Agenda
- 6 2011 ALEC Winter Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda
- 7 2011 ALEC Summer Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda
- 8 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda
- 9 Subcommittees
- 10 Co-chairs
- 11 Individuals
- 12 Staff
- 13 Articles and Resources
About ALEC |
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.
According to ALEC, the "members of the International and Federal Relations Task Force (IFRTF) believe in the power of free markets and limited government to propel growth not just in the United States but around the globe. . . . ALEC's. . . policy directives are backed by our members: US state legislators from all 50 states and some of the world's largest corporations."[3]
ALEC offers two levels of "Private Sector" membership in the IFRTF. "Recognizing that some of our private sector members are interested in the task force for the policy opportunities of membership while other private sector members also want the networking opportunities that our international trips offer, we have established two types of IFRTF membership-- Policy Membership which includes all of the policy promotion opportunities available in any other ALEC task force and Ambassador Membership which includes the Policy Membership Benefits as well as one international trip each year. The trip destination will be determined by IFRTF private sector members, and ALEC staff will select the public sector participants with an eye toward including those in leadership positions in their state legislatures."[3]
2015 States and Nation Policy Summit Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed for the Scottsdale, Arizona summit:[4]
- "Resolution on Countering the BDS Movement" (PDF, p. 3)
- "Protection and Enforcement against the Commercial Exclusion of Israel Act" (PDF, p. 4)
- "Catastrophic Wildfire and Public Nuisance Amendments" (PDF, p. 5)
- "Resolution in Support of the Federal Land Freedom Act" (PDF, p. 8)
- "Resolution on Federal Management of the Federal Estate" (PDF, p. 9)
- "Resolution on Continuing Education on Federalism" (PDF, p. 10)
The following "model" policies were adopted by ALEC 5 years ago and are scheduled to be reviewed as part of the Five Year Model Policy Review:[4]
- "Madison Amendment" (PDF, p. 11)
- "Resolution in Support of Deepening U.S.-Georgia Trade Relations" (PDF, p.12)
- "Resolution Supporting Taiwan's Meaningful Participation in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)" (PDF, p. 16)
- "Resolution to Improve Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with Russia" (PDF, p. 18)
- "Resolution to Combat Counterfeit Pharmaceutical" (PDF, p, 20)
- "Resolution to Strengthen U.S.-Pakistan Economic Cooperation" (PDF, p.23)
- "Resolution Urging Congress to Pass the Columbia Free Trade Agreement Amend" (PDF, p. 25)
- "Resolution Urging Congress to Pass the Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA)" (PDF, p. 28)
The following presentations and discussions were planned for the meeting:[4]
- "Providing States with Tools to Contest the Campaign of Economic Boycott against Israel"
- "A Reinvigorated House Democracy Partnership Spotlights Georgia, Ukraine and Indonesia"
- "The Many Facets of the Pivot to Asia"
- "International Property Rights Index 2015"
- "The Constitutional Underpinnings of Intellectual Property"
- "Federal Management of the Federal Estate"
- "The Tenth Amendment, the Property Clause and the Transfer of Public Lands"
2015 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed for the San Diego, California meeting:[5]
- "Draft Application for a Convention of the States Under Article V of the Constitution of the United States" (PDF, p. 4)
- "Draft Balanced Budget Amendment Advanced by Compact" (PDF, p. 5)
- "Draft Resolution Supporting and Deepening the Strategic Partnership Between the United States of America and the Republic of Azerbaijan" (PDF, p. 6)
- "Draft Resolution on the Importance of International Intellectual Property Rights Protections" (PDF, p. 9)
- "[
The following presentations and discussions were planned for the meeting:[5]
- "Federalism from the Ground Up - A Curriculum to Revive State Sovereignty"
- "Compact for America - A Straight Forward Approach for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution"
- "The States Must Act to Preserve the American Dream"
- "Congressional Action and the Destruction of Federalism"
- "Transfer of Public Lands - An Update"
- "The Greatest Constitutional Document of All!"
- "Azerbaijan Is a Critical Strategic Partnership"
- "A Trade Agenda Update - TPA, TAA, TPP and More!"
- "San Diego Global Export Plan - A Public-Private Partnership to Boost Exports"
2014 ALEC States and Nation Policy Summit Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed for the Washington, DC meeting:[6]
- "Draft Public Policy Statement on Transfer of Public Lands" (PDF, p. 9)
- "Resolution on Open and Reciprocal Trade with Canada" (PDF, p. 11)
- "Resolution Urging the European Union to Remove Its Ban on the Sale of Smokeless Tobacco" (PDF, p. 12)
- "Establishing an American Legislative Exchange Council Democracy and Governance Program" (PDF, p. 14)
- Updates to "Resolution Opposing the United Nations Drive for Global Taxes; Draft Resolution Opposing International Taxation Initiatives" (PDF, p. 16)
- "Resolution to Commend and Strengthen the U.S.-Israel Economic and Strategic Partnership" (PDF, p. 18)
- "Draft Resolution to Support Trademark Protections" (PDF, p. 21)
The following presentations and discussions were planned for the meeting:[6]
- "Modern Federalism – A Sober Constitutional Perspective"
- "Update on American Lands Council Summit"
- "A State by State Progress Report – A Balanced Budget Amendment to the US Constitution"
- "Where do we go from here? Concrete Steps!"
- "Azerbaijan – An Important Partner in a Strategic Region"
- "Global Taxation Initiatives"
- "Intellectual Property – Keeping It Personal"
- "US-Israel Relations – A Partnership Based on Shared Values and Strategic and Economic Cooperation"
- "Global Brand Council – Promoting Brand Integrity to Protect Trademarks"
- "The 2014 Intellectual Property Rights Index"
- "The Election is Over – It’s Time to Focus on Trade"
- "Zambia – Opportunities for Engagement"
2014 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed for the Dallas, Texas meeting:[7]
- "Resolution Urging the Presidential Administration to Launch Negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement with Taiwan" (PDF, p. 11)
- "Draft Updates to Resolution to Highlight Challenges and Opportunities in the US-India Trade Relationship" (PDF, p. 14)
- "Draft Resolution in Support of Expanded Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Exports" (PDF, p. 17)
- "Draft State Constitutional 'Water is Life Amendment'" (PDF, p. 19)
- "Draft Memorial to Support and Article V Convention to Propose a Single Subject Amendment to the US Constitution" (PDF, p. 21)
The following presentations and discussions were planned for the meeting:[7]
- "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office Presentation"
- "Hot Topics in International Trade"
- "LNG Exports - A Window of Opportunity is Closing"
- "Digital Right to Repair - A Comprehensive Overview"
- "Federalism -- State vs. Federal Jurisdiction Is at Its Heart"
- "Update on States Effort Toward an Article V Balanced Budget Amendment"
- "The Assembly of State Legislatures (formerly know as the Mt. Vernon Assembly"
2013 ALEC States and Nation Policy Summit Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed for the Washington, DC meeting:[8]
- "Checks and Balances in Government Amendment" (PDF, p. 6)
- "Equal State's Enfranchisement Act" (PDF, p. 7)
- "Policy on Federalism Education Requirements for Public Attorneys" (PDF, shell only p. 8)
- "Resolution Affirming the Digital Right to Repair" (PDF, p. 9)
- "Consumer Protection through Disclosure of Digital Rights Act" (PDF, p. 11)
- "Act Protecting Digital Equipment Owners and Small Businesses in Repairing Digital Electronic Equipment" (PDF, p. 13)
- "Patent Troll Resolution" (PDF, shell only p. 18)
- "Patent Troll Model Policy" (PDF, shell only p. 18)
- "Resolution on Country of Origin Labeling" (PDF, p. 19)
- "Cybersecurity Statement of Principles" (PDF, p. 20)
The following presentations and discussions were planned for the meeting:[8]
- "The Road to Federalism Begins at the Statehouse – Restore the Balance"
- "A Governing Partnership – States as an Independent Check on the Power of the Federal Government"
- "Washington’s Actions Are Felt in the States"
- "Supporting Small Business and Economic Growth through Right to Repair"
- "International Ramifications of the Government Shutdown and Flirtation with Debt Default"
- "Trade Agreement Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanisms – Clearing up the Confusion"
2011 ALEC Winter Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed at the Scottsdale, AZ conference:
- "Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act" (Presented by Rep. Ken Ivory of Utah) (This proposal "strongly urges the Federal Government to use proceeds from the sale of lands not disposed directly to the state only to pay the public debt pursuant to the Congressional Disposal and Taxation of Public Lands Act Resolutions of 1780 and 1790" and "urges the United States Congress in the most strenuous terms to engage in good faith communication, cooperation, coordination, and consultation with the state of {insert state} regarding those lands wherein the public has developed a reasonable expectation of multiple use that must be disposed of directly to the state.")
- "Resolution Requesting the Obama Administration Confer and Consult with the States on Management of Public Lands and Energy Resources" (Presented by Rep. Harold Brubaker of North Caroline) (This proposal "calls on Congress and the Administration to commit to greater consultation with the states and to recognize cost-benefit and job-impact analyses must be addressed in order to understand how federal regulations impact states and their respective citizens.")
- "A Resolution in Support of Federal Efforts to Address Rogue Internet Sites that Sell Counterfeit Products and Facilitate Digital Theft" (Presented by Andrew Kovalcin, Global Intellectual Property Center) (This proposal "supports efforts to enact legislation addressing enforcement by state and federal authorities to protect intellectual property rights to combat rogue websites that traffic in pirated music, movies and counterfeit goods and make it more difficult for rogue websites to operate.")
- "Resolution in Support of the Keystone XL Pipeline" (Presented by Brandie Davis, Philip Morris International) (This proposal "support[s] continued and increased development and delivery of oil derived from North American oil reserves to American refineries, urge Congress to support that continued and increased development and delivery, and urge Congress to ask the U.S. Secretary of State to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.")[9]
2011 ALEC Summer Task Force Summit Substantive Agenda
The following "model" bills were proposed at the New Orleans conference:
- "Support of Federal Efforts to Address Rogue Internet Sites that Sell Counterfeit Products and Facilitate Digital Theft" (Presented by Andrew Kovalcin, Global Intellectual Property Center) (This proposal suggests a number of methods by which to protect intellectual property.)
- "Hard Science Resolution" (Presented by Brandie Davis, Philip Morris International) (This proposal "urges legislatures and executives around the world to base regulatory policy on hard science and to eschew regulation that falls below this standard.")
- "Resolution against EU Funding of NGOs" (Presented by The Honorable Roger Helmer, Member of European Parliament) (This proposal requests that the "European Union shall not engage in political advocacy apart from government-to-government representation and communication on issues isolated in domestic affairs and with a disproportionate impact on the welfare of local communities" among other requests.)
- "Resolution Upholding Longstanding Policy Maintaining Agriculture Commodities and Product Comprehensiveness of US Trade Agreements" (This proposal "urges the Obama Administration and the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to hold firm on the longstanding principled policy that trade agreements must be comprehensive and that no products or agriculture commodities be removed in the name of public policy.")
- "The Federal Law Evaluation and Response Act" (Presented by Rep. Christopher Herrod of Utah) (This proposal "creates a state Constitutional Defense Council and Federalism Subcommittee to review, evaluate and respond to federal actions that infringe upon the constitutional jurisdiction of the state. It provides the standard for such review and a mechanism for coordinating the review, evaluation and response together with other states, and with the congressional delegation from the state.")
- "Constitutional Defense Council Legislation" (Presented by Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute) (This proposal establishes a state constitutional defense council. "The purpose of the council is restoring, maintaining, and advancing the state’s sovereignty and authority to restore principles of dual sovereignty and protect individual liberty.")
- "Model State Sovereignty Civil Rights Law" (Presented by Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute) (This proposal establishes that "Every state and federal official who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of the United States, or any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, enforces any federal law, federal grant condition or federal regulation that purports to displace, supersede, control or condition the exercise of the traditionally reserved powers of the State of _______ in violation of the United States Constitution, shall be liable in an individual capacity to suit in equity in the courts of the State of __________ by taxpaying residents of the State of _________.")
- "Sovereign State Interstate Compact" (Presented by Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute) (This proposal "objects to the federal government using conditional grants to exceed the enumerated powers specifically delegated to Congress and to encourage states to relinquish core attributes of their sovereignty and to adopt one-sizefits-all public policies in exchange for federal money.")[10]
2011 ALEC Annual Meeting Substantive Agenda
At the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting, the following items were discussed, according to the Program: "One of our newest private sector members will introduce a resolution to counter rogue Internet sites and Member of the European Parliament Roger Helmer will present on the EU's funding of American NGOs and introduce a resolution seeking to counter this influence. Nick Dranias of the Goldwater Institute will discuss his three step plan to restore state sovereignty and Utah Representative Ken Ivory will offer his insights on how states can protect the U.S. Constitution."[11]
The following pieces of model legislation were introduced:[3]
- ALEC Resolution to Counter Rogue Internet Sites
- Hard Science Resolution
- Trade Agreement Carve Outs (Resolution Upholding Longstanding Policy Maintaining Agriculture Commodities and Product Comprehensiveness of US Trade Agreements)
- Resolution in Support of Deepening Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Moldova
- Resolution against EU Funding of NGOs
- Resolution Opposing World Bank Lending to Argentina
- Visa Waiver Status for Taiwan Resolution
- Resolution on the Federal Law Evaluation and Response Act
- Constitutional Defense Council Legislation
- Model State Sovereignty Civil Rights Law
- Sovereign State Interstate Compact"
- Federal Relations (Federalism) Working Group,[3] Chair Rep. Tim Moffitt (R-NC)[12]
- Intellectual Property Subcommittee (open to Communications and Technology Task Force and Civil Justice Task Force members[12]
- Rep. Tim Moffitt (R-NC), Public Sector Chair[8]
- Brandie Davis (Director of U.S. Affairs, Philip Morris International), Private Sector Chair[3][8]
Altria Group, formerly Philip Morris, is the world's largest tobacco company. In the U.S. it controls about half of the tobacco market. In 2007, Altria spun off its food division.[13] Altria Group's primary holdings until 2007 included Philip Morris companies as well as Kraft Foods (Jell-O, Kool-Aid, Maxwell House), which it spun off in 2007. Philip Morris International is an international tobacco company that has seven of the top 20 global cigarette brands. In 2010, it had a total revenue of $16.9 billion.[14] Its CEO, Michael Szymancyk, had an annual compensation of $24.1 million in 2010.[15]
Former Co-chairs
- Harold Brubaker (R-NC), Former Public Sector Chair as of April 2012[16]
- David Powers (Vice President, State Government Relations, Reynolds American, Inc.), Former Private Sector Chair as of July 2011[17]
Corporate, Trade or Other Groups
- Randy Barnett (Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Legal Theory, Georgetown University Law Center) addressed the "Repeal Amendment, which gives 2/3 of the state legislatures the power to repeal any federal law or regulation, which would provide a check on federal power" at the December 2010 International Relations Task Force meeting[3]
- Brandie Davis (Director of U.S. Affairs, Philip Morris International, and Private Sector Chair of the Task Force) introduced the "Hard Science Resolution" and "Trade Agreement Carve Outs" model legislation at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Nick Dranias (Director, Center for Constitutional Government, Goldwater Institute, and former attorney with the Institute for Justice) spoke on "A Three Step Plan for Restoring State Sovereignty" and introduced the "Constitutional Defense Council Legislation," "Model State Sovereignty Civil Rights Law" and "Sovereign State Interstate Compact" model legislation at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Mark Elliott (Executive Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Intellectual Property Center) gave a "Presentation on the Erosion of Intellectual Property" at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Bob Filippone (Lobbyist, PhRMA), Member[3]
- Fred Kelly Grant (President, American Stewards of Liberty (a private property rights organization))
- Andrew Kovalcin (Director of Stakeholder Advocacy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Intellectual Property Center) introduced the "ALEC Resolution to Counter Rogue Internet Sites" model policy at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Robert Natelson (Senior Fellow, Constitutional Jurisprudence, Independence Institute; also a Senior Fellow of the Goldwater Institute) spoke about convening an Article 5 convention at the December 2010 States and Nation Policy Summit International Relations Task Force meeting[3]
- American Stewards of Liberty (a private property rights organization)[3]
- Goldwater Institute[3]
- Independence Institute[3]
- Philip Morris International[3]
- PhRMA[3]
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Intellectual Property Center[3]
- MEP Martin Callanan (BCP - North East England) presented on EU-US Relations at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Paula Caldwell St-Onge (Consul General of Canada, Dallas, Texas) presented on "Energy Security and Economic Competitiveness" at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Roger Helmer (Member of the European Parliament representing the United Kingdom's East Midlands region), International Legislator member,[18] introduced the "Resolution Against EU Funding of NGOs" model policy at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- MEP Michael Kaminski (PJN - Poland) introduced the "Resolution in Support of Deepening Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Moldova" model policy at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Yeong-jainn "Jeff" Liu (Executive Officer in the Consular Division, Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office (TECRO)) presented on the "Visa Waiver Status [of] Taiwan" at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- MEP Emma McClarkin (CP - East Midlands) presented on EU-US Relations at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Rose Sager (Trade Representative for the Kingdom of Bahrain, Embassy of Bahrain) presented on the "Current Situation in Bahrain" at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Rep. Sue Allen (R-MO 92), Member[3]
- Rep. Paul Bandy (R-NM 3), Guest at December 2010 meeting[3]
- Former Sen. Robert Burns (R-AZ 9), Member[3]
- Sen. Cale Case (R-WY 25), Member[3]
- Rep. Justin Davis (R-SD 23), Guest at December 2010 meeting[3]
- Billy Hewes, III (R-MS), Former Public Sector Chair[19] and MO State Chairman
- Rep. Calvin Hill, Jr. (R-GA 21), Member[3]
- Speaker William (Bill) Howell (R-VA 28), Member[3]
- Rep. Eric Hutchings (R-UT 38), Guest at December 2010 meeting[3]
- Assembly Member Brian Kolb (R,I,C-NY 129), Member[3]
- Del. Jim LeMunyon (R-VA 67), Member[3]
- Sen. Stephen Martin (R-VA 11), Member[3]
- Former Rep. Dolores Mertz (D-IA), Guest at December 2010 meeting[3]
- Rep. Peggy Mast (R-KS 76), Member[3]
- Sen. Wayne Niederhauser (R-UT 9), Member[3]
- William (Bill) H. Payne (R-NM) (New Mexico State Senate Minority Whip, retired Rear Admiral (SEAL) in the United States Navy, former Deputy Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy, U.S. Central Command)[21]
- Rep. Deb Peters (R-SD 9), Member[3]
- Rep. John Piscopo (R-CT 76), Member[3]
- Rep. Cary Smith (R-MO 55), Guest at December 2010 meeting[3]
- Sen. Giles Ward (R-MS 18), Member[3]
- Rep. C. Gene Whisnant (R-OR 53), Member[3]
- Curt Bramble (R-UT), Member (2009), Member (also on ALEC's Board of Directors and a State Chair)[22][23][24]
- Rep. Matt Dean (R-52B), ALEC Member
- Dan Flynn (TX -R), Member[25]
- Sen. Pam Galloway (R-29), Member
- Rep. Andre Jacque (R-2), Member
- Shane Jett (OK-R), Member
- Rep. Mary Kiffmeyer (R - 16B), State Chairman, Member[26]
- Rep. Stephen Nass (R-31), Member
- Former Sen. Jim Ritchie (SC; Owner, Ritchie & Associates, LLC), former Member[27]
- Gene Ward (HI-R), Member (2009)[28]
- Sen. John B. Coghill, Jr. (AK R-F), Member
- Rep. Kirk D. Adams (AZ R-19, vacated seat 4-28-2011), Member
- Rep. Jack W. Harper (AZ R-4)[29], Member
- Rep. Debbie Lesko (AZ R-9, Majority Whip)[29], ALEC State Chairman[30], Member[3]
- Rep. Jerry Nathan Bell (AR R-22), Member
- Rep. Jonathan D. Barnett (AR R-97), Member
- Rep. Justin T. Harris (AR R-87), Member
- Rep. Penny Bacchiochi (CN R-52), Member[3]
- Rep. Scott Plakon (FL R-37), Member
- Rep. Ben L. Harbin (GA R-118), Member
- Rep. Gerald E. Greene (GA R-149), Member
- Rep. Josh S. Clark (GA R-98), Member
- Rep. Paulette Rakestraw-Braddock (GA R-19), Member
- Sen. Cecil P. Staton (GA R-18)[29], Member
- Sen. Ronnie W. Chance (GA R-16), Member
- Rep. Gene R. Ward (HI R-17)[29], Member
- Rep. Renee Kosel (IL R-81), Member
- Rep. Darlene J. Senger (IL R-96), Member
- Sen. Matt Murphy (IL R-27), Member
- Rep. Richard McClain (IN R-24), ALEC Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force Member & International Relations Task Force Member
- Rep. Thomas E. Saunders (IN R-54), Member
- Rep. P. Eric Turner (IN R-32), Member
- Rep. Richard T. Anderson (IA R-97), Member
- Rep. Stewart E. Iverson, Jr. (IA R-5), Member
- Rep. Lance Kinzer (KS R-14)[31] Civil Justice Task Force and International Relations Task Force Member
- Rep. Marc Rhoades (KS R-72)[32][31], Member
- Rep. Addia K. Wuchner (KY R-66), Member
- Sen. John Schickel (KY R-11), Member
- Sen. Christopher W. Rector (ME R-22), Member
- Rep. Matt Dean (MN R-52B), Member
- Rep. Mary Kiffmeyer (MN R - 16B), State Chairman[33] and International Relations Task Force Member
- Rep. Rita R. Martinson (MS R-58), Member
- Rep. William Gardner Hewes, III (MS R-49), Member
- Rep. Shelley Keeney (MO R-156), Member
- Rep. Jerry Nolte (MO R-33), Member
- Sen. Jim Lembke (MO R-1), Member
- Sen. Mark R. Christensen (NE 44), Member
- Sen. Tanya Cook (NE 13), Member
- Rep. Robert L. Theberge (NH D-4), Member
- Rep. Larry A. Larranaga (NM R-27), Member
- Sen. William H. Payne (NM R-20), International Relations and Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force Member
- Rep. Thom Tillis (NC R-98), Member
- Rep. Tim Moffitt (NC R-116), International Relations Task Force Member and Telecommunications and Information Technology Task Force Alternate, introduced the "Resolution Opposing World Bank Lending to Argentina" model policy at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Rep. Mike R. Nathe (ND R-30), Member
- Sen. Dick Dever (ND R-32), Member
- Sen. Robert Stenehjem (ND R-30, deceased July 18, 2011[34]), Member
- Rep. Glen W. Mulready (OK R-68), Member
- Sen. Ron G. Justice (OK R-23), Member
- Rep. Katerina E. Brewer (OR R-29), Member
- Rep. Liston Barfield (SC R-58), Member, introduced "Visa Waiver Stats for Taiwan Resolution" model policy at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Sen. Raymond E. Cleary III (SC R-34), ALEC State Chairman[35] and International Relations Task Force Member
- Sen. James H. Ritchie, Jr. (SC R-13), Member
- Rep. Valentine Rausch (SD R-4), Alternate[3]
- Rep. Fred W. Romkema (SD R-31), Member
- Sen. Corey Brown (SD R-23), Alternate
- Sen. Jeffrey K. Haverly (SD R-35), Alternate[3]
- Rep. Mark White (TN R-83), Member
- Rep. Phillip Max Johnson (TN R-78), Member
- Rep. Ryan A. Haynes (TN R-14), Member
- Rep. Tracy O. King (TX D-80), Member
- Rep. Ryan Guillen (TX D-31), Member
- Rep. Randy Weber (TX R-29), Member
- Rep. Chris N. Herrod (UT R-62), Member, Federal Relations Working Group, introduced "Resolution on the Federal Law Evaluation and Response Act" model legislation at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Rep. Ken Ivory (UT R-47 and Executive Director, Where's the Line America? Foundation), Member, Federal Relations Working Group, spoke on "Where's the Line? How States Protect the Constitution" at the International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting at the 2011 ALEC Annual Meeting[3]
- Sen. Curt Bramble (UT R-16), ALEC State Chairman[36] and International Relations Task Force Member[3]
- Sen. Mark B. Madsen (UT R-13), Member
- Sen. Don Benton (WA R-17), ALEC State Chairman[37] and International Relations Task Force Member
- Sen. Val Stevens (WA R-39),[32] Member
- Sen. Pamela Jean Roach (WA R-31), Member
- Rep. Andre Jacque (WI R-2), Member
- Rep. Stephen Nass (WI R-31), Member
- Sen. Pam Galloway (WI R-29), Member
- Karla Jones, Director (also Director of the Federal Relations Working Group)[38][39][8]
Articles and Resources
Related SourceWatch Articles
- American Legislative Exchange Council
- ALEC Task Forces
- Civil Justice Task Force
- Commerce, Insurance and Economic Development Task Force
- Communications and Technology Task Force
- Education Task Force
- Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force
- Health and Human Services Task Force
- Public Safety and Elections Task Force
- Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force
External Resources
- Center for Media and Democracy, Worker Rights and Consumer Rights,, organizational resource site, published July 13, 2011.
- Center for Media and Democracy, ALEC Trade and International Relations Bills,, organizational resource site exposing previously publicly unavailable American Legislative Exchange Council "model" bills, published July 13, 2012.
- ↑ Nick Surgey, ALEC Posts Legislative Agendas while Hiding Its Very Special Interests, PRWatch, November 3, 2013.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "Private Enterprise" Membership, organizational membership brochure, July 2011
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 3.43 3.44 3.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.52 American Legislative Exchange Council, International and Federal Relations Task Force meeting and Federal Relations Working Group, meeting agenda and materials, August 4, 2011, on file with CMD
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 American Legislative Exchange Council, International Relations Mailing--Agendas and Proposed Policies for the 2015 States and Nation Policy Summit, organizational document, accessed November 2, 2015.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 American Legislative Exchange Council, 35 Day Mailing-- Agendas and Proposed Policies for the 2015 Annual Meeting, organizational document, June 18, 2015.
- ↑ Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 American Legislative Exchange Council, 35-Day Mailing - 2014 States and Nation Policy Summit, organizational document, October 30, 2014.
- ↑ Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 American Legislative Exchange Council, 35 Day Mailing-- Agendas and Proposed Policies for the 2014 Annual Meeting, organizational meeting, June 24, 2014.
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 American Legislative Exchange Council, 35-Day Mailing - 2013 States and Nation Policy Summit, organizational document, October 30, 2013.
- ↑ ALEC,International Relations Task Force Memorandum Organizational Document, October 27, 2011.
- ↑ ALEC,International Relations Task Force Memorandum Organizational Document, June 30, 2011.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, 2011 Conference Task Force Meetings, conference brochure on file with CMD, August 11, 2011
- ↑ Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 American Legislative Exchange Council, 35 Day Mailing - 2014 Annual Meeting, organizational agenda document, accessed July 2014.
- ↑ Altria Profile, Hoovers, accessed August 2007.
- ↑ Altria Group Inc Financials,"
- ↑ Michael Szymanczyk, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, accessed June 2011
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council International Relations Task Force, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ International Relations, website, Accessed July 6, 2011. This page has been altered by ALEC, and is no longer available.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Sep./Oct. 2010, organization newsletter, September/October 2010, p. 16 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available. It is on file with the CMD.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Sep./Oct. 2009, organization newsletter, September/October 2009, p. 15 this page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available. It is on file with the CMD.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012 This page has been altered by ALEC, the new version does not mention Billy Hewes.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC May 2011, organization newsletter, May 2011, p. 19
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council Inside ALEC Nov./Dec. 2009, organization newsletter, November/December 2009, p. 6 This page has been altered by ALEC and is no longer available. It is on file with the CMD.
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council Board of Directors, organization website, accessed May 27, 2011
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed May 27, 2011
- ↑ Dan Flynn, "About Dan," legislative profile, accessed June 30, 2011
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ LinkedIn, "Jim Ritchie," online public profile, accessed June 30, 2011
- ↑ Gene Ward, " Ward Resolution to Create Democracy & Governance Program Passes in Washington, DC]," press release, December 10, 2009
- ↑ Jump up to: 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 American Legislative Exchange Council, Federal health reform efforts Letter to Robert C. Byrd and Nancy Pelosi, June 24, 2009
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ Jump up to: 31.0 31.1 Scott Rothschild, Corporate-funded ALEC has strong ties to Kansas Legislature, Lawrence Journal World, July 24, 2011
- ↑ Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 American Legislative Exchange Council, Letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid, RE: the EPA’s plan to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, March 10, 2010
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ North Dakota Legislative Branch, 2011 Senators in Alphabetical Order by Last Name, state government website, accessed August 5, 2011
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council, "ALEC State Chairmen, organization website, accessed April 19th, 2012
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council International Relations Task Force, organization website, accessed May 27, 2011
- ↑ American Legislative Exchange Council Karla Jones, organization bio, accessed May 27, 2011 This page has been altered by ALEC, and is no longer accessible. A web archive exists here last archive, December 27th, 2011.